# Query Description # Type of request: Extract data from a table # Name of the selected table: e501 # Description of the table: Cross-correlation functions # Object: BD+153364 # Order by: objname,datenuit,imanum # Description of each column # $objname: ------------ Name of object # $j2000: -------------- J2000 coordinates # $link['S',objname]: -- Link to Simbad database # $link['O',objname]: -- Search Sophie spectra # datenuit: ------------ beginning of observation night # imanum: -------------- spectra sequence number # type: ---------------- Cross-correlated fiber (object or sky) # masque: -------------- Cross-correlation mask # imatyp: -------------- type of observation # exptim: -------------- exposure time # sn: ------------------ signal/noise in order 47 # vfit: ---------------- Fitted radial velocity (first peak of the correlation function) # sigfit: -------------- 1-sigma width of the first correlation peak # ampfit: -------------- Amplitude of the first correlation peak # $link['view_ccf']: --- Plot the CCF # $link['get_ccf']: ---- Download the CCF # $link['search_spec']: Search the spectra for these CCF #----------------------------- ---------------- - - -------- ---- ---- -------- ----- ------- --- -------- -------- ------- ---------- --------- ------------- #$objname $j2000 $ $ datenuit iman type masque imaty exptim sn vfit sigfit ampfit $link['vie $link['ge $link['search # l l um p w_ccf'] t_ccf'] _spec'] # i i # n n # k k # [ [ # ' ' # S O # ' ' # , , # o o # b b # j j # n n # a a # m m # e e # ] ] #----------------------------- ---------------- - - -------- ---- ---- -------- ----- ------- --- -------- -------- ------- ---------- --------- ------------- BD+153364 J180718.7+155657 S O 19960701 0021 obj R37000K0 OBTH 600.4 34 25.867 4.713 0.1509 view_ccf get_ccf search_spec BD+153364 J180718.7+155657 S O 19960701 0022 obj R37000K0 OBTH 600.5 41 25.831 4.713 0.1515 view_ccf get_ccf search_spec BD+153364 J180718.7+155657 S O 19960829 0015 obj R37000K0 OBTH 1200.8 48 25.827 4.692 0.1490 view_ccf get_ccf search_spec BD+153364 J180718.7+155657 S O 19961027 0007 obj R37000K0 OBTH 900.7 24 25.853 4.673 0.1442 view_ccf get_ccf search_spec BD+153364 J180718.7+155657 S O 19961027 0008 obj R37000K0 OBTH 901.2 20 25.863 4.696 0.1385 view_ccf get_ccf search_spec #-- end of data table ---------------------------------------------------------- # 5 lines were successfully retrieved #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Generated with Pleinpot: 8.18.10