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Refereed papers based on SOPHIE data
Updated : 25 Jan 2025 - List includes archival use -
Barbato, D.; Mesa, D.; D'Orazi, V. and 42 more
A multi-technique detection of an eccentric giant planet around the accelerating star HD 57625
2025 A&A 693, A81
193/SOPHIE Archive
Cortés-Zuleta, P.; Boisse, I.; Ould-Elhkim, M. and 34 more
Gl725A b: A potential super-Earth detected with SOPHIE and SPIRou in an M dwarf binary system at 3.5 pc
2025 A&A 693, A164
Mesa, D.; Gratton, R.; D'Orazi, V. and 29 more
Deep imaging of three accelerating stars using SHARK-NIR and LMIRCam at LBT
2025 MNRAS 536, 1455
193/SOPHIE Archive
Bras, Garance; Kervella, Pierre; Trahin, Boris and 10 more
The Baade-Wesselink projection factor of RR Lyrae stars.
Calibration from OHP/SOPHIE spectroscopy and Gaia DR3 parallaxes
2024 A&A 684, A126
Chen, Huiling; Huang, Yang; Zhu, Wei and 11 more
The Kinematic and Chemical Properties of the Close-in Planet Host Star 8 UMi
2024 ApJ 966, L27
193/SOPHIE Archive
Dalba, Paul A.; Kane, Stephen R.; Isaacson, Howard and 29 more
Giant Outer Transiting Exoplanet Mass (GOT 'EM) Survey. IV.
Long-term Doppler Spectroscopy for 11 Stars Thought to Host Cool Giant Exoplanets
2024 ApJS 271, 16
Eisner, Nora L.; Grunblatt, Samuel K.; Barragán, Oscar and 61 more
Planet Hunters TESS. V. A Planetary System Around a Binary Star, Including a Mini-Neptune
in the Habitable Zone
2024 AJ 167, 241
François, P.; Cescutti, G.; Bonifacio, P. and 24 more
MINCE. II. Neutron capture elements
2024 A&A 686, A295
Freckelton, Alix V.; Sebastian, Daniel; Mortier, Annelies and 29 more
BEBOP V. Homogeneous stellar analysis of potential circumbinary planet hosts
2024 MNRAS 531, 4085
Gaia Collaboration; Panuzzo, P.; Mazeh, T. and 413 more
Discovery of a dormant 33 solar-mass black hole in pre-release Gaia astrometry
2024 A&A 686, L2
Garai, Z.; Pribulla, T.; Komžík, R.
Search for the wide-orbit massive companion of XO-7b in the follow-up radial-velocity
and transit-timing data: no significant clues
2024 MNRAS 527, 3474
Grouffal, S.; Santerne, A.; Hara, N. C. and 4 more
An improved correction of radial velocity systematics for the SOPHIE spectrograph
2024 A&A 687, A148
Heidari, N.; I. Boisse; N.C. Hara; T.G. Wilson and 50 more
The SOPHIE search for northern extrasolar planets-XIX.
A system including a cold sub-Neptune potentially transiting a V=6.5 star HD88986
2024 A&A 681, A55
Korth, Judith; Chaturvedi, Priyanka; Parviainen, Hannu and 60 more
TOI-1408: Discovery and Photodynamical Modeling of a Small Inner Companion to a Hot Jupiter
Revealed by Transit Timing Variations
2024 ApJ 971, L28
Morales-Calderón, M.; Joyce, S. R. G.; Pye, J. P. and 12 more
ExoplANETS-A: A virtual observatory database for host stars and planetary systems.
The effect of XUV on planet atmospheres
2024 A&A 688, A45
193/SOPHIE Archive
193/ELODIE Archive
Orell-Miquel, J.; Carleo, I.; Murgas, F. and 37 more
Revisiting the warm sub-Saturn TOI-1710b. The impact of stellar activity on the mass measurement
2024 A&A 684, A96
193/SOPHIE Archive
Pouilly, K. ; Bouvier, J. ; Alecian, E.
Unraveling the binary nature of HQ Tau:
A brown dwarf companion revealed using multi-variate Gaussian process
2024 A&A 689, A139
Rescigno, F.; Hébrard, G.; Vanderburg, A. and 64 more
A hot mini-Neptune and a temperate, highly eccentric sub-Saturn around the bright K-dwarf TOI-2134
2024 MNRAS 527, 5385
Sairam, Lalitha; Triaud, Amaury H. M. J.; Baycroft, Thomas A. and 8 more
New methods for radial-velocity measurements of double-lined binaries,
and detection of a circumbinary planet orbiting TIC 172900988
2024 MNRAS 527, 2261
Serrano Bell, J.; Díaz, R. F.; Hébrard, G. and 41 more
TOI-1199 b and TOI-1273 b: Two new transiting hot Saturns detected
and characterized with SOPHIE and TESS
2024 A&A 684, A6
Spite, M.; Bonifacio, P.; Caffau, E. and 1 more
Neutron-capture elements in a sample of field metal-poor N-rich dwarfs
2024 A&A 683, A137
193/SOPHIE Archive
Sulis, S.; Crossfield, I. J. M.; Santerne, A. and 33 more
A low-mass sub-Neptune planet transiting the bright active star HD 73344
2024 A&A 688, A14
Swayne, M. I.; Maxted, P. F. L.; Triaud, A. H. M. J. and 104 more
The EBLM Project- XI. Mass, radius, and effective temperature measurements for 23 M-dwarf companions
to solar-type stars observed with CHEOPS
2024 MNRAS 528, 5703
193/SOPHIE Archive
Thomas, Luis; Saglia, Roberto; Pasquini, Luca and 9 more
Search for giant planets in M 67 V: A warm Jupiter orbiting the turn-off star S1429
2024 A&A 686, A19
Wendeborn, John; Espaillat, Catherine C.; Thanathibodee, Thanawuth and 20 more
A Multiwavelength, Multiepoch Monitoring Campaign of Accretion Variability in T Tauri Stars
from the ODYSSEUS Survey. III. Optical Spectra
2024 ApJ 972, 100
Balmer, William O.; Laurent Pueyo; Tomas Stolker; Henrique Reggiani and the GRAVITY collaboration
VLTI/GRAVITY Observations and Characterization of the Brown Dwarf Companion HD 72946 B
2023 ApJ 956, 99
193/ELODIE Archive
193/SOPHIE Archive
Boldog, Á.; Szabó, Gy. M.; Kriskovics, L. and 76 more
Glancing through the debris disk: Photometric analysis of DE Boo with CHEOPS
2023 A&A 671, A127
Bouvier, J.; Sousa, A.; Pouilly, K. and 15 more
Stable accretion and episodic outflows in the young transition disk system GM Aurigae.
A semester-long optical and near-infrared spectrophotometric monitoring campaign
2023 A&A 672, A5
Cañas, Caleb I.; Bender, Chad F.; Mahadevan, Suvrath and 12 more
Characterization of Low-mass Companions to Kepler Objects of Interest Observed with APOGEE-N
2023 ApJS 265, 50
193/SOPHIE Archive
Carmona, A.; Delfosse, X.; Bellotti, S and 36 more
Near-IR and optical radial velocities of the active M dwarf star Gl 388 (AD Leo) with SPIRou at CFHT
and SOPHIE at OHP. A 2.23 day rotation period and no evidence for a corotating planet
2023 A&A 674, A110
Chauvin, G.; Videla, M.; Beust, H. and 21 more
Chasing extreme planetary architectures. I. HD 196885 Ab, a super-Jupiter dancing with two stars?
2023 A&A 675, A114
Cortés-Zuleta, P.; I. Boisse; B. Klein; E. Martioli and 40 co-authors
Optical and near-infrared stellar activity characterization of the early M dwarf Gl 205
with SOPHIE and SPIRou
2023 A&A 673, A14
Elmaslı, Aslı; Ünal, Kübra Özge
Chemical homogeneity and sulfur deficiency in the early B-type stars of the λ Orionis group
2023 MNRAS 524, 6285
193/SOPHIE Archive
Escorza, A. and R. J. De Rosa
Barium and related stars, and their white-dwarf companions III. The masses of the white dwarfs
2023 A&A 671, A97
193/SOPHIE Archive
193/ELODIE Archive
Fitzmaurice, Evan; Martin, David V.; Rodríguez Martínez, Romy; Vallely, Patrick and 6 co-authors
Spectroscopy of TOI-1259B - an unpolluted white dwarf companion to an inflated warm Saturn
2023 MNRAS 518, 636
193/SOPHIE Archive
Gaia Collaboration; Arenou, F.; Babusiaux, C. and 448 more
Gaia Data Release 3. Stellar multiplicity, a teaser for the hidden treasure
2023 A&A 674, A34
Gallenne, A.; Mérand, A.; Kervella, P. and 4 more
The Araucaria project: High-precision orbital parallaxes and masses of binary stars.
I. VLTI/GRAVITY observations of ten double-lined spectroscopic binaries
2023 A&A 672, A119
193/SOPHIE Archive
Gebran, Marwan; Paletou, Frederic; Bentley, Ian; Brienza, Rose; Connick, Kathleen
Deep learning applications for stellar parameter determination:
II-application to the observed spectra of AFGK stars
2023 OAst 32, 209
Grandjean, A.; Lagrange, A. -M.; Meunier, N and 13 more
HARPS radial velocity search for planets in the Scorpius-Centaurus association.
A combination with the HARPS and SOPHIE young nearby stars (YNS) surveys
2023 A&A 669, A12
Gupta, Arvind F.; Jackson, Jonathan M.; Hébrard, Guillaume and 37 more
A High-Eccentricity Warm Jupiter Orbiting TOI-4127
2023 AJ 165, 234
Jadlovský, Daniel; Jiří Krtička; Ernst Paunzen and Vladimír Štefl
Analysis of photometric and spectroscopic variability of red supergiant Betelgeuse
2023 NewA 99, 101962J
193/ELODIE Archive
193/SOPHIE Archive
Lagrange, A. -M.; Philipot, F.; Rubini, P. and 5 more
Radial distribution of giant exoplanets at Solar System scales
2023 A&A 677, A71
193/SOPHIE Archive
193/ELODIE Archive
Mann, Christopher R.; Dalba, Paul A.; Lafrenière, David and 48 more
Giant Outer Transiting Exoplanet Mass (GOT 'EM) Survey. III. Recovery and Confirmation
of a Temperate, Mildly Eccentric, Single-transit Jupiter Orbiting TOI-2010
2023 AJ 166, 239
Martioli, E.; G. Hébrard; L. de Almeida; N. Heidari and 31 co-authors
TOI-1736 and TOI-2141: two systems including sub-Neptunes around solar analogs revealed by TESS and SOPHIE
2023 A&A 680, A84
Monier, Richard; E. Niemczura; D.W. Kurtz; S. Rappaport and 9 co-authors
The surface composition of six newly discovered chemically peculiar stars.
Comparison to the HgMn stars μ Lep and β Scl and the superficially normal B star ν Cap
2023 AJ 166, 54
do Nascimento, J. -D.; Barnes, S. A.; Saar, S. H. and 12 more
A Hale-like Cycle in the Solar Twin 18 Scorpii
2023 ApJ 958, 57
193/SOPHIE Archive
Osborn, H. P.; Nowak, G.; Hébrard, G. and 126 more
Two Warm Neptunes transiting HIP 9618 revealed by TESS & Cheops
2023 MNRAS 523, 3069
Philipot, F.; Lagrange, A. -M.; Rubini, P. and 2 more
Updated characterization of long-period single companion by combining radial velocity,
relative astrometry, and absolute astrometry
2023 A&A 670, A65
193/SOPHIE Archive
193/ELODIE Archive
Philipot, F.; Lagrange, A. -M.; Kiefer, F. and 3 more
A multi-technique approach to identifying and/or constraining radial-velocity substellar companions
2023 A&A 678, A107
193/SOPHIE Archive
193/ELODIE Archive
Pinamonti, M.; D. Barbato; A. Sozzetti; L. Affer and 29 co-authors
The GAPS programme at TNG XLVI. Deep search for low-mass planets
in late-dwarf systems hosting cold Jupiters
2023 A&A 677, A122
193/SOPHIE Archive
Rainer, M.; Desidera, S.; Borsa, F. and 25 more
The GAPS programme at TNG, XLIV.
Projected rotational velocities of 273 exoplanet-host stars observed with HARPS-N
2023 A&A 676, A90
Stevenson, Adam T.; Carole A. Haswell; John R. Barnes and Joanna K. Barstow
Combing the Brown Dwarf Desert with Gaia DR3
2023 MNRAS 526, 5155
193/SOPHIE Archive
Unger, N.; Ségransan, D.; Barbato, D. and 4 more
Exploring the brown dwarf desert with precision radial velocities and Gaia DR3 astrometric orbits
2023 A&A 680, A16
193/SOPHIE Archive
193/ELODIE Archive
Armeni, Antonio; Shore, Steven N.
Revisiting the high-mass transfer close binary star system AU Monocerotis
2022 A&A 664, A103
193/SOPHIE Archive
Barnes, J. R.; Standing, M. R.; Haswell, C. A. and 9 more
DMPP-4: candidate sub-Neptune mass planets orbiting a naked-eye star
2023 MNRAS 524, 5196
Boulkaboul, A.; Damerdji, Y.; Morel, T.; Frémat, Y. and 3 co-authors
Analysis of Gaia radial-velocity standards: stability and new substellar companion candidates
2022 MNRAS 517, 1849
193/ELODIE Archive
193/SOPHIE Archive
Casamiquela, Laia; Gebran, Marwan; Agüeros, Marcel A.; Bouy, Hervé; Soubiran, Caroline
Chemically Peculiar Stars in the Open Cluster Stock 2
2022 AJ 164, 255
Feng, Fabo; Butler, R. Paul; Vogt, Steven S.; Clement, Matthew S. and 16 co-authors
3-D selection of 167 sub-stellar companions to nearby stars
2022 ApJS 262, 21
193/ ELODIE Archive
193/SOPHIE Archive
Gaulme, Patrick; Borkovits, Tamás; Appourchaux, Thierry and 13 more
KIC 7955301: A hierarchical triple system with eclipse timing variations and an oscillating red giant
2022 A&A 668, A173
Heidari, N.; Boisse, I.; Orell-Miquel, J. and 90 more
HD 207897 b: A dense sub-Neptune transiting a nearby and bright K-type star
2022 A&A 658, A176
Hey, Daniel R.; Kochoska, Angela; Monier, Richard and 9 more
Parameters of the eclipsing binary α Draconis observed by TESS and SONG
2022 MNRAS 511, 2648
193/SOPHIE Archive
Hurt, Spencer A.; Fulton, Benjamin; Isaacson, Howard and 4 more
Confirmation of the Long-period Planet Orbiting Gliese 411 and the Detection of a New Planet Candidate
2022 AJ 163, 218
193/SOPHIE Archive
Iłkiewicz, Krystian; Mikołajewska, Joanna; Scaringi, Simone; Teyssier, François;
Stoyanov, Kiril A.; Fratta, Matteo
SU Lyn - a transient symbiotic star
2022 MNRAS 510, 2707
193/SOPHIE Archive
König, P. -C.; Damasso, M.; Hébrard, G. and 50 more
A warm super-Neptune around the G-dwarf star TOI-1710
revealed with TESS, SOPHIE and HARPS-N
2022 A&A 666, A183
Mishenina, T.; Pignatari, M.; Gorbaneva, T.; Côté, B. and 3 co-authors
Enrichment of the Galactic disc with neutron-capture elements: Gd, Dy, and Th
2022 MNRAS 516, 3786
193/SOPHIE Archive
Nardiello, D.; Malavolta, L.; Desidera, S. and 38 more
The GAPS Programme at TNG. XXXVII. A precise density measurement
of the young ultra-short period planet TOI-1807 b
2022 A&A 664, A163
193/SOPHIE Archive
Saffe, C.; Alacoria, J.; Miquelarena, P. and 8 more
Are Am stars and hot-Jupiter planets related?
2022 A&A 668, A157
193/SOPHIE Archive
Serrano, L. M.; Gandolfi, D.; Hoyer, S. and 109 more
The HD 93963 A transiting system:
A 1.04 d super-Earth and a 3.65 d sub-Neptune discovered by TESS and CHEOPS
2022 A&A 667, A1
Triaud, Amaury H. M. J.; Standing, Matthew R.; Heidari, Neda and 30 more
BEBOP III. Observations and an independent mass measurement of Kepler-16 (AB) b
- the first circumbinary planet detected with radial velocities
2022 MNRAS 511, 3561
Van Reeth, T.; De Cat, P.; Van Beeck, J. and 8 more
The near-core rotation of HD 112429. A γ Doradus star with TESS photometry and legacy spectroscopy
2022 A&A 662, A58
193/SOPHIE Archive
Addison, Brett C.; Knudstrup, Emil; Wong, Ian; Hébrard, Guillaume; Dorval,
Patrick; Snellen, Ignas; Albrecht, Simon; Bello-Arufe, Aaron; Almenara,
Jose-Manuel; Boisse, Isabelle; Bonfils, Xavier; Dalal, Shweta; Demangeon, Olivier
D. S.; Hoyer, Sergio; Kiefer, Flavien; Santos, N. C.; Nowak, Grzegorz; Luque,
Rafael; Stangret, Monika; Palle, Enric
TOI-1431b/MASCARA-5b: A Highly Irradiated Ultrahot Jupiter Orbiting
One of the Hottest and Brightest Known Exoplanet Host Stars
2021 AJ 162, 292
Bakos, G. Á.; Hartman, J. D.; Bhatti, W.; Csubry, Z.; Penev, K.; Bieryla, A.;
Latham, D. W.; Quinn, S.; Buchhave, L. A.; Kovács, G.; Torres, Guillermo; Noyes,
R. W.; Falco, E.; Béky, Bence; Szklenár, T.; Esquerdo, G. A.; Howard, A. W.;
Isaacson, H.; Marcy, G.; Sato, B.
HAT-P-58b-HAT-P-64b: Seven Planets Transiting Bright Stars
2021, AJ 162, 7
Benbakoura, M.; Gaulme, P.; McKeever, J.; Sekaran, S.; Beck, P. G.; Spada, F.;
Jackiewicz, J.; Mathis, S.; Mathur, S.; Tkachenko, A.; García, R. A.
Spectroscopic and seismic analysis of red giants in eclipsing binaries discovered by Kepler
2021 A&A 648, A113
Benni, P.; Burdanov, A. Y.; Krushinsky, V. V.; Bonfanti, A.; Hébrard, G.;
Almenara, J. M.; Dalal, S.; Demangeon, O. D. S.; Tsantaki, M.; Pepper, J.;
Stassun, K. G.; Vanderburg, A.; Belinski, A.; Kashaev, F.; Barkaoui, K.; Kim, T.;
Kang, W.; Antonyuk, K.; Dyachenko, V. V.; Rastegaev, D. A.
Discovery of a young low-mass brown dwarf transiting a fast-rotating F-type star
by the Galactic Plane eXoplanet (GPX) survey
2021 MNRAS 505, 4956
Burt, Jennifer; Feng, Fabo; Holden, Bradford; Mamajek, Eric E.; Huang, Chelsea X.;
Rosenthal, Mickey M.; Wang, Songhu; Butler, R. Paul; Vogt, Steven S.; Laughlin,
Gregory; Henry, Gregory W.; Teske, Johanna K. ; Wang, Sharon X. ; Crane, Jeffrey D.;
Shectman, Steve A.
A Collage of Small Planets from the Lick-Carnegie Exoplanet Survey:
Exploring the Super-Earth and Sub-Neptune Mass Regime
2021 AJ 161, 10
Dalal, S.; Kiefer, F.; Hébrard, G.; Sahlmann, J.; Sousa, S. G.; Forveille, T.;
Delfosse, X.; Arnold, L.; Astudillo-Defru, N.; Bonfils, X.; Boisse, I.; Bouchy,
F.; Bourrier, V.; Brugger, B.; Cortés-Zuleta, P.; Deleuil, M.; Demangeon, O. D.
S.; Díaz, R. F.; Hara, N. C.; Heidari, N.
The SOPHIE search for northern extrasolar planets. XVII. A wealth of new objects:
Six cool Jupiters, three brown dwarfs, and 16 low-mass binary stars
2021 A&A 651, A11
Demangeon, O. D. S.; Dalal, S.; Hébrard, G.; Nsamba, B.; Kiefer, F.; Camacho, J.
D.; Sahlmann, J.; Arnold, L.; Astudillo-Defru, N.; Bonfils, X.; Boisse, I.;
Bouchy, F.; Bourrier, V.; Campante, T.; Delfosse, X.; Deleuil, M.; Díaz, R. F.;
Faria, J.; Forveille, T.; Hara, N.
The SOPHIE search for northern extrasolar planets. XVIII. Six new cold Jupiters,
including one of the most eccentric exoplanet orbits
2021 A&A 653, A78
Desidera, S.; Chauvin, G.; Bonavita, M.; Messina, S.; LeCoroller, H. ; Schmidt, T. ;
Gratton, R.; Lazzoni, C.; Meyer, M. ; Schlieder, J.; Cheetham, A.; Hagelberg, J.;
Bonnefoy, M. ; Feldt, M.; Lagrange, A.-M.; Langlois, M.; Vigan, A.; Tan, T. G.;
Hambsch, F.-J.; Millward, M.
The SPHERE infrared survey for exoplanets (SHINE). I.
Sample definition and target characterization
2021 A&A 651, A70
193/SOPHIE Archive
Eisner, N. L.; Barragán, O.; Lintott, C.; Aigrain, S.; Nicholson, B.; Boyajian, T.S.;
Howell, S. ; Johnston, C.; Lakeland, B.; Miller, G.; McMaster, A.; Parviainen, H.;
Safron, E. J.; Schwamb, M. E.; Trouille, L.; Vaughan, S.; Zicher, N.; Allen, C.;
Allen, S.; Bouslog, M.
Planet Hunters TESS II: findings from the first two years of TESS
2021 MNRAS 501, 4669
Feng, Fabo; Butler, R. Paul; Jones, Hugh R. A.; Phillips, Mark W.; Vogt, Steven S.;
Oppenheimer, Rebecca; Holden, Bradford; Burt, Jennifer; Boss, Alan P.
Optimized modelling of Gaia-Hipparcos astrometry for the detection of the smallest cold
Jupiter and confirmation of seven low-mass companions
2021 MNRAS 507, 2856
193/ELODIE Archive
193/SOPHIE Archive
González, J.F.; Nuñez, N.E.; Saffe, C.; Alejo, A.D.; Veramendi, M.E.; Collado, A.
Discovery of new mercury-manganese stars, including a fast rotator
2021 MNRAS 502, 3670
193/ELODIE Archive
193/SOPHIE Archive
Grandjean, A.; Lagrange, A.-M.; Meunier, N.; Rubini, P.; Desidera, S.; Galland,
F.; Borgniet, S.; Zicher, N.; Messina, S.; Chauvin, G.; Sterzik, M.; Pantoja, B.
A SOPHIE RV search for giant planets around young nearby stars (YNS). A
combination with the HARPS YNS survey
2021 A&A 650, A39
Gupta, Arvind F.; Wright, Jason T.; Robertson, Paul; Halverson, Samuel; Luhn,
Jacob; Roy, Arpita; Mahadevan, Suvrath; Ford, Eric B.; Bender, Chad F.; Blake,
Cullen H.; Hearty, Fred; Kanodia, Shubham; Logsdon, Sarah E.; McElwain, Michael
W.; Monson, Andrew ; Ninan, Joe P.; Schwab, Christian; Stefánsson, Guðmundur;
Terrien, Ryan C.
Target Prioritization and Observing Strategies for the NEID Earth Twin Survey
2021 AJ 161, 130
193/SOPHIE Archive
Kostov, Veselin B.; Powell, Brian P.; Orosz, Jerome A.; Welsh, William F.;
Cochran, William; Collins, Karen A.; Endl, Michael; Hellier, Coel; Latham, David W.;
MacQueen, Phillip ; Pepper, Joshua; Quarles, Billy; Sairam, Lalitha; Torres,
Guillermo; Wilson, Robert F.; Bergeron, Serge ; Boyce, Pat ; Bieryla, Allyson;
Buchheim, Robert ; Ben Christiansen, Caleb
TIC 172900988: A Transiting Circumbinary Planet Detected in One Sector of TESS Data
2021 AJ 162, 234
Lindor, Bethlee M.; Hartman, Joel D.; Bakos, Gáspár Á.; Bhatti, Waqas;
Csubry, Zoltan; Penev, Kaloyan; Bieryla, Allyson; Latham, David W.; Torres,
Guillermo; Buchhave, Lars A.; de Val-Borro, Miguel; Howard, Andrew W.;
Isaacson, Howard; Fulton, Benjamin J.; Boisse, Isabelle; Santerne, Alexandre;
Hébrard, Guillaume; Kovács, Támás; Huang, Chelsea X.; Dembicky, Jack
HAT-P-68b: A Transiting Hot Jupiter around a K5 Dwarf Star
2021 AJ 161, 64
Lombardo, Linda; François, Patrick; Bonifacio, Piercarlo; Caffau, Elisabetta;
del Mar Matas Pinto, Aroa; Charbonnel, Corinne; Meynet, Georges; Monaco, Lorenzo;
Cescutti, Gabriele; Mucciarelli, Alessio
Young giants of intermediate mass. Evidence of rotation and mixing
2021 A&A 656, A155
Martin, David V.; El-Badry, Kareem; Hodžić, Vedad Kunovac ; Triaud, Amaury H. M. J.;
Angus, Ruth ; Birky, Jessica ; Foreman-Mackey, Daniel ; Hedges, Christina ;
Montet, Benjamin T. ; Murphy, Simon J.; Santerne, Alexandre; Stassun, Keivan G.;
Stephan, Alexander P. ; Wang, Ji ; Benni, Paul; Krushinsky, Vadim; Chazov, Nikita;
Mishevskiy, Nikolay ; Ziegler, Carl; Soubkiou, Abderahmane
TOI-1259Ab - a gas giant planet with 2.7 per cent deep transits and a bound
white dwarf companion
2021 MNRAS 507, 413
Mesa, D.; Marino, S.; Bonavita, M.; Lazzoni, C.; Fontanive, C.; Pérez, S.; D'Orazi, V.;
Desidera, S.; Gratton, R.; Engler, N. ; Henning, T.; Janson, M. ; Kral, Q ; Langlois, M.;
Messina, S.; Milli, J.; Pawellek, N. ; Perrot, C.; Rigliaco, E.; Rickman, E.
Limits on the presence of planets in systems with debris disks:
HD 92945 and HD 107146
2021 MNRAS 503, 1276
Mishenina, T.; Basak, N.; Adibekyan, V.; Soubiran, C.; Kovtyukh, V.
Chemical composition of stars with massive planets
2021 MNRAS 504, 4252
193/SOPHIE Archive
Moutou, C.; Almenara, J. M.; Hébrard, G.; Santos, N. C.; Stassun, K. G.;
Deheuvels, S.; Barros, S.; Benni, P.; Bieryla, A.; Boisse, I.; Bonfils, X.;
Boyd, P. T.; Collins, K. A.; Baker, D.; Cortés-Zuleta, P.; Dalal, S.; Debras, F.;
Deleuil, M.; Delfosse, X.; Demangeon, O.
TOI-1296b and TOI-1298b observed with TESS and SOPHIE:
two hot Saturn-mass exoplanets with different densities around metal-rich stars
2021 A&A 653, A147
Morel, Thierry; Creevey, Orlagh L.; Montalbán, Josefina; Miglio, Andrea; Willett, Emma
Testing abundance-age relations beyond solar analogues with Kepler LEGACY stars
2021 A&A 646, A78
Saffe, C.; Miquelarena, P.; Alacoria, J.; Flores, M.; Jaque Arancibia, M. ;
Calvo, D. ; Martín Girardi, G. ; Grosso, M. ; Collado, A.
Chemical analysis of early-type stars with planets
2021 A&A 647, A49
193/SOPHIE Archive
193/ELODIE Archive
Sousa, S. G.; Adibekyan, V.; Delgado-Mena, E.; Santos, N. C.; Rojas-Ayala, B.;
Soares, B. M. T. B. ; Legoinha, H.; Ulmer-Moll, S. ; Camacho, J. D.; Barros, S. C.
C.; Demangeon, O. D. S.; Hoyer, S.; Israelian, G. ; Mortier, A.; Tsantaki, M. ;
Monteiro, M. A.
SWEET-Cat 2.0: The Cat just got SWEETer. Higher quality spectra and precise parallaxes
from Gaia eDR3
2021 A&A, 656 A53
193/SOPHIE Archive
Badenas-Agusti, Mariona; Günther, Maximilian N.; Daylan, Tansu; Mikal-Evans, Thomas;
Vanderburg, Andrew; Huang, Chelsea X.; Matthews, Elisabeth; Rackham, Benjamin V.;
Bieryla, Allyson; Stassun, Keivan G.; Kane, Stephen R.; Shporer, Avi;
Fulton, Benjamin J.; Hill, Michelle L.; Nowak, Grzegorz; Ribas, Ignasi; Pallé, Enric;
Jenkins, Jon M.; Latham, David W.; Seager, Sara ; ...
HD 191939: Three Sub-Neptunes Transiting a Sun-like Star Only 54 pc Away
2020 AJ 160, 113
193/SOPHIE Archive
Crouzet, Nicolas; Healy, Brian F.; Hébrard, Guillaume ; McCullough, P. R.; Long, Doug;
Montañés-Rodríguez, Pilar ; Ribas, Ignasi; Vilardell, Francesc; Herrero, Enrique ;
Garcia-Melendo, Enrique ; Conjat, Matthieu ; Foote, Jerry ; Garlitz, Joe ; Vo, Phillip ;
Santos, Nuno C.; de Bruijne, Jos ; Osborn, Hugh P. ; Dalal, Shweta ; Nielsen, Louise D.
XO-7 b: A Transiting Hot Jupiter with a Massive Companion on a Wide Orbit
2020 AJ 159, 44
Eisner, N. L.; Barragán, O.; Lintott, C.; Aigrain, S.; Nicholson, B.; Boyajian, T. S.;
Howell, S.; Johnston, C.; Lakeland, B.; Miller, G.; McMaster, A.; Parviainen, H.;
Safron, E. J.; Schwamb, M. E.; Trouille, L.; Vaughan, S.; Zicher, N.; Allen, C.;
Allen, S.; Bouslog, M. ; ...
Planet Hunters TESS II: Findings from the first two years of TESS
2020 MNRAS tmp.3566
Halbwachs, J. -L.; Kiefer, F.; Lebreton, Y.; Boffin, H. M. J.; Arenou, F.;
Le Bouquin, J. -B.; Famaey, B.; Pourbaix, D.; Guillout, P.; Salomon, J. -B.; Mazeh, T.
Masses of the components of SB2 binaries observed with Gaia – V.
Accurate SB2 orbits for 10 binaries and masses of the components of 5 binaries
2020 MNRAS 496, 1355
Hara, N. C.; Bouchy, F.; Stalport, M.; Boisse, I.; Rodrigues, J.; Delisle, J. -B.;
Santerne, A.; Henry, G. W.; Arnold, L.; Astudillo-Defru, N.; Borgniet, S.; Bonfils, X.;
Bourrier, V.; Brugger, B.; Courcol, B.; Dalal, S.; Deleuil, M.; Delfosse, X.;
Demangeon, O.; Díaz, R. F. ; ...
The SOPHIE search for northern extrasolar planets. XVI. HD 158259:
A compact planetary system in a near-3:2 mean motion resonance chain
2020 A&A 636, L6
Haswell, Carole A.; Staab, Daniel ; Barnes, John R.; Anglada-Escudé, Guillem ;
Fossati, Luca; Jenkins, James S. ; Norton, Andrew J.; Doherty, James P. J. ;
Cooper, Joseph
Dispersed Matter Planet Project discoveries of ablating planets orbiting
nearby bright stars
2020 NatAs 4, 40
Hébrard, G.; Díaz, R.F.; Correia, A.C.M.; Collier Cameron, A.; Laskar, J.; Pollacco, D.;
Almenara, J. -M.; Anderson, D.R.; Barros, S.C.C.; Boisse, I.; Bonomo, A. S.; Bouchy, F.;
Boué, G.; Boumis, P.; Brown, D.J.A.; Dalal, S.; Deleuil, M.; Demangeon, O.D.S.;
Doyle, A.P.; Haswell, C.A. ; ...
Discovery and characterization of the exoplanets WASP-148b and c :
A transiting system with two interacting giant planets
2020 A&A 640, A32
Hill, Michelle L.; Močnik, Teo ; Kane, Stephen R.; Henry, Gregory W.; Pepper,
Joshua; Hinkel, Natalie R.; Dalba, Paul A.; Fulton, Benjamin J.; Stassun, Keivan G.;
Rosenthal, Lee J.; Howard, Andrew W.; Howell, Steve B.; Everett, Mark E.; Boyajian,
Tabetha S.; Fischer, Debra A.; Rodriguez, Joseph E.; Beatty, Thomas G.; James, David J.
Orbital Refinement and Stellar Properties for the HD 9446, HD 43691,
and HD 179079 Planetary Systems
2020 AJ 159, 197
Klutsch, A.; Frasca, A.; Guillout, P.; Montes, D.; Pineau, F.-X.; Grosso, N.; Stelzer, B.
Discovery of new members of the nearby young stellar association in Cepheus
2020 A&A 637, A43
Luhn, Jacob K.; Wright, Jason T.; Howard, Andrew W.; Isaacson, Howard
Astrophysical Insights into Radial Velocity Jitter from an Analysis of
600 Planet-search Stars
2020 AJ 159, 235
Mann, Andrew W.; Johnson, Marshall C.; Vanderburg, Andrew; Kraus, Adam L.;
Rizzuto, Aaron C.; Wood, Mackenna L.; Bush, Jonathan L.; Rockcliffe, Keighley;
Newton, Elisabeth R.; Latham, David W.; Mamajek, Eric E.; Zhou, George;
Quinn, Samuel N.; Thao, Pa Chia; Benatti, Serena; Cosentino, Rosario;
Desidera, Silvano; Harutyunyan, Avet; Lovis, Christophe; Mortier, Annelies ; ...
TESS Hunt for Young and Maturing Exoplanets (THYME). III.
A Two-planet System in the 400 Myr Ursa Major Group
2020 AJ 160, 179
193/ELODIE Archive, SOPHIE Archive
Miret-Roig, N.; Galli, P. A. B. ; Brandner, W. ; Bouy, H.; Barrado, D. ; Olivares, J.;
Antoja, T. ; Romero-Gómez, M. ; Figueras, F. ; Lillo-Box, J.
Dynamical traceback age of the β Pictoris moving group
2020 A&A 642, A179
193/ELODIE Archive
Schanche, N.; Hébrard, G.; Collier Cameron, A.; Dalal, S.; Smalley, B.; Wilson, T. G.;
Boisse, I.; Bouchy, F.; Brown, D. J. A.; Demangeon, O.; Haswell, C. A.; Hellier, C.;
Kolb, U. C.; Lopez, T.; Maxted, P. F. L.; Pollacco, D. L.; West, R. G.; Wheatley, P. J.
WASP-186 and WASP-187: two hot Jupiters discovered by SuperWASP and SOPHIE with
additional observations by TESS
2020 MNRAS 499, 428
Sicilia-Aguilar, A.; Bouvier, J.; Dougados, C.; Grankin, K.; Donati, J. F.
Reading between the lines. Disk emission, wind, and accretion during the Z CMa
NW outburst
2020 A&A 643, A29
Siebenmorgen, R.; Krełowski, J.; Smoker, J.; Galazutdinov, G.; Bagnulo, S.
Dark dust and single-cloud sightlines in the ISM
2020 A&A 641, A35
193/ELODIE Archive, SOPHIE Archive
Weiss, Lauren M.; Fabrycky, Daniel C.; Agol, Eric; Mills, Sean M.;
Howard, Andrew W.; Isaacson, Howard; Petigura, Erik A.; Fulton, Benjamin;
Hirsch, Lea; Sinukoff, Evan
The Discovery of the Long-Period, Eccentric Planet Kepler-88 d
and System Characterization with Radial Velocities and Photodynamical Analysis
2020 AJ 159, 242
Baluev, R. V.; Sokov, E. N. ; Jones, H. R. A. ; Shaidulin, V. Sh; Sokova, I. A. ;
Nielsen, L. D.; Benni, P. ; Schneiter, E. M.; Villarreal D'Angelo, C. ;
Fernández-Lajús, E. ; Di Sisto, R. P. ; Baştürk, Ö. ; Bretton, M. ; Wunsche, A. ;
Hentunen, V. -P. ; Shadick, S. ; Jongen, Y. ; Kang, W.; Kim, T. ; PakštienÄ--, E.
Homogeneously derived transit timings for 17 exoplanets and reassessed TTV trends
for WASP-12 and WASP-4
2019 MNRAS 490, 1294
193/SOPHIE Archive
Bisyarina, Anastasia P.; Sobolev, Andrey M.; Gorda, Stanislav Yu.; Miroshnichenko, Anatoly S
Variability of emission lines in the optical spectra of the Herbig Be binary system HD 200775
2019 RAA 19, 36
193/ELODIE Archive
193/SOPHIE Archive
Bonifacio, P.; Caffau, E.; Sestito, F.; Lardo, C.; Martin, N. F.; Starkenburg, E.;
Sbordone, L.; François, P.; Jablonka, P.; Henden, A. A.; Salvadori, S.;
González Hernández, J. I.; Aguado, D. S.; Hill, V.; Venn, K.; Navarro, J. F.;
Arentsen, A.; Sanchez-Janssen, R.; Carlberg, R.
The Pristine survey - V. A bright star sample observed with SOPHIE
2019 MNRAS 487, 3797
Borgniet, S.; Kervella, P.; Nardetto, N.; Gallenne, A.; Mérand, A.; Anderson, R. I.;
Aufdenberg, J.; Breuval, L.; Gieren, W.; Hocdé, V.; Javanmardi, B.; Lagadec, E.;
Pietrzyński, G.; Trahin, B.
Consistent radial velocities of classical Cepheids from the cross-correlation technique
2019 A&A 631, A37
Borgniet, S.; Lagrange, A.-M.; Meunier, N.; Galland, F. and 30 co-authors
Extrasolar planets and brown dwarfs around AF-type stars. X. The SOPHIE northern sample.
Combining the SOPHIE and HARPS surveys to compute the close giant planet mass-period distribution
around AF-type stars
2019, A&A 621, A87
Caffau, E. ; Bonifacio, P. ; Oliva, E.; Korotin, S.; Capitanio, L. ; Andrievsky, S. ;
Collet, R.; Sbordone, L.; Duffau, S. ; Sanna, N.; Tozzi, A.; Origlia, L.; Ryde, N. ;
Ludwig, H. -G.
Systematic investigation of chemical abundances derived using IR spectra obtained with GIANO
2019 A&A 622, A68
193/SOPHIE Archive
Díaz, R. F.; Delfosse, X.; Hobson, M. J.; Boisse, I.; Astudillo-Defru, N.; Bonfils, X.;
Henry, G. W.; Arnold, L.; Bouchy, F.; Bourrier, V.; Brugger, B.; Dalal, S.; Deleuil, M.;
Demangeon, O.; Dolon, F.; Dumusque, X.; Forveille, T.; Hara, N.; Hébrard, G.; Kiefer, F. ; ...
The SOPHIE search for northern extrasolar planets. XIV.
A temperate (Teq 300 K) super-earth around the nearby star Gliese 411
2019 A&A 625, A17
Dubber, Sophie C. ; Mortier, Annelies; Rice, Ken; Nava, Chantanelle ; Malavolta, Luca;
Giles, Helen; Coffinet, Adrien ; Charbonneau, David ; Vanderburg, Andrew;
Bonomo, Aldo S.; Boschin, Walter; Buchhave, Lars A.; Collier Cameron, Andrew;
Cosentino, Rosario; Dumusque, Xavier ; Ghedina, Adriano ; Harutyunyan, Avet ;
Haywood, Raphaëlle D. ; Latham, David ; López-Morales, Mercedes
Using HARPS-N to characterize the long-period planets in the PH-2 and Kepler-103 systems
2019 MNRAS 490, 5103
Harmanec, P.; Švanda, M.; Korčáková, D.; Chini, R. ; Nasseri, A. ; Yang, S. ;
Božić, H. ; Šlechta, M.; Vanzi, L.
A New Look into Putative Duplicity and Pulsations of the Be Star β CMi
2019 ApJ 875, 13
193/ELODIE Archive
193/SOPHIE Archive
Hébrard, G.; Bonomo, A. S.; Díaz, R. F.; Santerne, A.; Santos, N. C.; Almenara, J. -M.;
Barros, S. C. C.; Boisse, I.; Bouchy, F.; Bruno, G.; Courcol, B.; Deleuil, M.; Demangeon, O.;
Guillot, T.; Montagnier, G.; Moutou, C.; Rey, J.; Wilson, P. A.
SOPHIE velocimetry of Kepler transit candidates. XIX.
The transiting temperate giant planet KOI-3680b
2019 A&A 623, A104
Hobson, M. J.; Delfosse, X.; Astudillo-Defru, N.; Boisse, I.; Díaz, R. F.; Bouchy, F.;
Bonfils, X.; Forveille, T.; Arnold, L.; Borgniet, S.; Bourrier, V.; Brugger, B.; Cabrera Salazar, N.;
Courcol, B.; Dalal, S.; Deleuil, M.; Demangeon, O.; Dumusque, X.; Hara, N.; Hébrard, G. ; ...
The SOPHIE search for northern extrasolar planets. XV.
A warm Neptune around the M dwarf Gl 378
2019 A&A 625, A18
Houdebine, E.R.; Mullan, D.J.; Doyle, J.G.; de La Vieuville, G.; Butler, C.J.; Paletou, F.
The Mass-Activity Relationships in M and K Dwarfs. I.
Stellar Parameters of Our Sample of M and K Dwarfs
2019 AJ 158, 56
Kiefer, F.; Hébrard, G.; Sahlmann, J.; Sousa, S. G.; Forveille, T.; Santos, N.; Mayor, M.;
Deleuil, M.; Wilson, P. A.; Dalal, S.; Díaz, R. F.; Henry, G. W.; Hagelberg, J.; Hobson, M. J.;
Demangeon, O.; Bourrier, V.; Delfosse, X.; Arnold, L.; Astudillo-Defru, N.; Beuzit, J. -L. ; ...
Detection and characterisation of 54 massive companions with the SOPHIE spectrograph.
Seven new brown dwarfs and constraints on the brown dwarf desert
2019 A&A 631, A125
Mishenina, T.; Basak, N.; Kovtyukh, V.
Chemical Imprints in Atmospheric Abundances in - Hosting Stars
2019 OAP 32, 66
193/SOPHIE Archive
Mishenina, T.; Pignatari, M.; Gorbaneva, T.; Travaglio, C.; Côté, B.;
Thielemann, F. -K.; Soubiran, C.
Enrichment of the Galactic disc with neutron-capture elements: Mo and Ru
2019 MNRAS 489, 1697
193/ELODIE, SOPHIE Archive
Mishenina, T.; Pignatari, M.; Gorbaneva, T.; Bisterzo, S.; Travaglio, C.;
Thielemann, F. -K.; Soubiran, C.
Enrichment of the Galactic disc with neutron capture elements: Sr
2019 MNRAS 484, 3846
193/ELODIE, SOPHIE Archive
Monier, R.; Griffin, E.; Gebran, M.; Kılıçoğlu, T.; Merle, T.; Royer, F.
The Chemical Compositions of the Two New HgMn Stars HD 30085 and HD 30963:
Comparison to χ Lupi A, ν Cap, and HD 174567
2019 AJ 158, 157
Moździerski, D.; Pigulski, A.; Kołaczkowski, Z.; Michalska, G.; Kopacki, G.;
Carrier, F. ; Walczak, P. ; Narwid, A. ; Stęślicki, M.; Fu, J. -N. ; Jiang, X. -J.;
Zhang,Ch.; Jackiewicz, J.; Telting, J. ; Morel, T. ; Saesen, S. ; Zahajkiewicz, E.;
Bruś, P. ; Śródka, P. ; Vučković, M.
Ensemble asteroseismology of pulsating B-type stars in NGC 6910
2019 A&A 632, A95
Salvadori, S.; Bonifacio, P.; Caffau, E. ; Korotin, S.; Andreevsky, S. ; Spite, M. ;
Skúladóttir, Á.
Probing the existence of very massive first stars
2019 MNRAS 487, 4261
Almenara, J. M.; Díaz, R. F.; Hébrard, G.; Mardling, R. and 13 co-authors
SOPHIE velocimetry of Kepler transit candidates. XVIII. Radial velocity confirmation,
absolute masses and radii, and origin of the Kepler-419 multiplanetary system
2018, A&A 615, A90
Bonnefoy, M; Perraut, K.; Lagrange, A.-M.; Delorme, P. and 78 co-authors
The GJ 504 system revisited. Combining interferometric, radial velocity,
and high contrast imaging data
2018, A&A 618, A63
Bouvier, J.; Barrado, D.; Moraux, E.; Stauffer, J. and 9 co-authors
The lithium-rotation connection in the 125 Myr-old Pleiades cluster
2018, A&A 613, A63
Burdanov, A.; Benni, P.; Sokov, E.; Krushinsky, V. and 18 co-authors
KPS-1b: The First Transiting Exoplanet Discovered
Using an Amateur Astronomer's Wide-field CCD Data
2018, PASP 130, 4401
Demangeon, O.D.S.; Faedi, F.; Hébrard, G.; Brown, D.J.A. and 35 co-authors
The discovery of WASP-151b, WASP-153b, WASP-156b:
Insights on giant planet migration and the upper boundary of the Neptunian desert
2018, A&A 610, A63
Feng, F.; Jones, H.R.A.; Tuomi, M.
An Improved Quantification of HD 147379 b
2018, RNAAS 2, 23
193/SOPHIE Archive
Gallenne, A.; Kervella, P.; Evans, N. R.; Proffitt, C. R.; Monnier, J. D.; Mérand, A.;
Nelan, E. ; Winston, E.; Pietrzyński, G.; Schaefer, G.; Gieren, W.; Anderson, R. I.;
Borgniet, S. ; Kraus, S. ; Roettenbacher, R. M.; Baron, F.; Pilecki, B.; Taormina, M.;
Graczyk, D.; Mowlavi, N.
A Geometrical 1% Distance to the Short-period Binary Cepheid V1334 Cygni
2018 ApJ 867, 121
Gorbaneva, T. I.; Mishenina, T. V.
Hafnium Abundances in FGK Dwarf of Galactic Disk
2018, OAP 31, 75
Hobson, M. J.; Díaz, R. F.; Delfosse, X.; Astudillo-Defru, N. and 31 co-authors
The SOPHIE search for northern extrasolar planets. XIII.
Two planets around M-dwarfs Gl617A and Gl96
2018, A&A 618, A103
Huang, Y.; Liu, X. -W. ; Chen, B. -Q.; Zhang, H. -W. ; Yuan, H. -B. ; Xiang, M. -S. ;
Wang, C. ; Tian, Z. -J.
A New Catalog of Radial Velocity Standard Stars from the APOGEE Data
2018 AJ 156, 90
Kiefer, F.; Halbwachs, J.-L.; Lebreton, Y.; Soubiran, C. and 6 co-authors
Masses of the components of SB2 binaries observed with Gaia -
IV. Accurate SB2 orbits for 14 binaries and masses of three binaries
2018, MNRAS 474, 731
Maldonado, J.; Villaver, E.; Eiroa, C.
Chemical fingerprints of hot Jupiter planet formation
2018, A&A 612, A93
193/SOPHIE Archive
Martins, F.
Quantitative spectral classification of Galactic O stars
2018, A&A 616, A135
193/ELODIE Archive, SOPHIE Archive
Monier, R.; Gebran, M.; Royer, F.; Kilicoglu, T.; Frémat, Y.
HR 8844: A New Transition Object between the Am Stars and the HgMn Stars?
2018, ApJ 854, 50
193/SOPHIE + ELODIE Archive
Raucq, F.; Rauw, G.; Mahy, L.; Simón-Díaz, S.
Fundamental parameters of massive stars in multiple systems:
The cases of HD 17505A and HD 206267A
2018, A&A 614, A60
193/ELODIE Archive, SOPHIE Archive
Rey, J.; Bouchy, F.; Stalport, M.; Deleuil, M. and 17 co-authors
Brown dwarf companion with a period of 4.6 yr interacting with the hot Jupiter CoRoT-20b
2018, A&A 619, A115
Soubiran, C.; Jasniewicz, G.; Chemin, L.; Zurbach, C. and 38 co-authors
Gaia Data Release 2. The catalogue of radial velocity standard stars
2018, A&A 616, A7
193/ELODIE Archive, SOPHIE Archive
Andrade, L.; Janot-Pacheco, E.; Emilio, M.; Frémat, Y. and 10 co-authors
Photometric and spectroscopic variability of the B5IIIe star HD 171219
2017, A&A 603, A41
Bayliss, D.; Hojjatpanah, S.; Santerne, A.; Dragomir, D. and 33 co-authors
EPIC 201702477b: A Transiting Brown Dwarf from K2 in a 41 day Orbit
2017, AJ 153, 15
Borra, E. F. ; Deschatelets, D.
Measurements of microturbulence of Cepheids using the autocorrelation function
2017 MNRAS 470, 4732
193/SOPHIE Archive
Brucalassi, A.; Koppenhoefer, J.; Saglia, R.; Pasquini, L. and 8 co-authors
Search for giant planets in M 67. IV. Survey results
2017, A&A 603, A85
Cazorla, C.; Morel, T.; Nazé, Y.; Rauw, G. and 3 co-authors
Chemical abundances of fast-rotating massive stars. I.
Description of the methods and individual results
2017, A&A 603, A56
Crouzet, N.; McCullough, P. R.; Long, D.; Montanes Rodriguez, P. and 19 co-authors
Discovery of XO-6b: A Hot Jupiter Transiting a Fast Rotating F5 Star
on an Oblique Orbit
2017, AJ 153, 94
Elyajouri, M.; Lallement, R.; Monreal-Ibero, A.; Capitanio, L.; Cox, N. L. J.
Near-infrared diffuse interstellar bands in APOGEE telluric standard star spectra.
Weak bands and comparisons with optical counterparts
2017, A&A 600, A129
Gorbaneva, T. I. ; Mishenina, T. V.
Molybdenum and Ruthenium Abundances in Cool Stars of the Galactic Disc
2017 OAP 30, 76
Houdebine, E. R.; Mullan, D. J.; Bercu, B.; Paletou, F.; Gebran, M.
The Rotation-Activity Correlations in K and M Dwarfs. II. New Constraints on the Dynamo
Mechanisms in Late-K and M Dwarfs Before and At the Transition to Complete Convection
2017, ApJ 837, 96
193/SOPHIE Archive
Kiefer, F. ; Lecavelier des Étangs, A. ; Vidal-Madjar, A. ; Hébrard, G. ; Bourrier, V. ;
Wilson, P. A.
Detection of a repeated transit signature in the light curve of the enigma star
KIC 8462852: A possible 928-day period
2017 A&A 608, A13
Lam, K.W.F.; Faedi, F.; Brown, D.J.A.; Anderson, D.R. and 37 co-authors
From dense hot Jupiter to low-density Neptune:
The discovery of WASP-127b, WASP-136b, and WASP-138b
2017, A&A 599, A3
Maldonado, J.; Villaver, E.
Searching for chemical signatures of brown dwarf formation
2017, A&A 602, A38
193/SOPHIE Archive+ELODIE Archive
Martins, F.; Mahy, L.; Hervé, A.
Properties of six short-period massive binaries: A study of the effects of binarity
on surface chemical abundances
2017 A&A 607, A82
Mishenina, T. ; Pignatari, M. ; Côté, B. ; Thielemann, F.-K.; Soubiran, C.; Basak, N. ;
Gorbaneva, T. ; Korotin, S. A. Kovtyukh, V. V. ; Wehmeyer, B. ; Bisterzo, S. ;
Travaglio, C. ; Gibson, B. K.; Jordan, C. ; Paul, A. ; Ritter, C. ; Herwig, F.;
NuGrid Collaboration
Observing the metal-poor solar neighbourhood: a comparison of galactic chemical
evolution predictions
2017 MNRAS 469, 4378
193/SOPHIE Archive
Mott, A.; Steffen, M. ; Caffau, E. ; Spada, F. ; Strassmeier, K. G.
Lithium abundance and 6Li/7Li ratio in the active giant HD 123351. I.
A comparative analysis of 3D and 1D NLTE line-profile fits
2017 A&A 604, A44
Notsu, Yuta; Honda, Satoshi ; Maehara, Hiroyuki ; Notsu, Shota; Namekata, Kosuke ;
Nogami, Daisaku ; Shibata, Kazunari
Spectroscopic observations of active solar-analog stars with high X-ray luminosity,
as a proxy of superflare stars
2017 PASJ 69, 12
193/SOPHIE Archive
Rey, J.; Hébrard, G.; Bouchy, F.; Bourrier, V. and 21 co-authors
The SOPHIE search for northern extrasolar planets. XII.
Three giant planets suitable for astrometric mass determination with Gaia
2017, A&A 601, A9
dos Santos, L. A.; Meléndez, J.; Bedell, M.; Bean, J. L. and 5 co-authors
Spectroscopic binaries in the Solar Twin Planet Search program:
from substellar-mass to M dwarf companions
2017, MNRAS 472, 3425
193/ELODIE Archive + SOPHIE Archive
Barros, S. C. C.; Brown, D. J. A.; Hébrard, G.; Gómez Maqueo Chew, Y. and 36 co-authors
WASP-113b and WASP-114b, two inflated hot Jupiters with contrasting densities
2016, A&A 593, A113
Bonavita, M.; Desidera, S.; Thalmann, C. ; Janson, M. ; Vigan, A.; Chauvin, G. ;
Lannier, J.
SPOTS: The Search for Planets Orbiting Two Stars. II.
First constraints on the frequency of sub-stellar companions on wide circumbinary orbits
2016 A&A 593, A38
193/SOPHIE Archive
Bouchy, F.; Ségransan, D.; Díaz, R. F.; Forveille, T. and 27 co-authors
The SOPHIE search for northern extrasolar planets. VIII.
Follow-up of ELODIE candidates: long-period brown-dwarf companions
2016, A&A 585, A46
Brucalassi, A.; Pasquini, L.; Saglia, R.; Ruiz, M. T. and 9 co-authors
Search for giant planets in M67. III. Excess of hot Jupiters in dense open clusters
2016, A&A 592, L1
Caffau, E. ; Bonifacio, P. ; Spite, M. ; Spite, F. ; Monaco, L. ; Sbordone, L.;
François, P. ; Gallagher, A. J.; Plez, B.; Zaggia, S.; Ludwig, H. -G.; Cayrel, R. ;
Koch, A. ; Steffen, M. ; Salvadori, S. ; Klessen, R.; Glover, S.; Christlieb, N.
TOPoS. III. An ultra iron-poor multiple CEMP system
2016 A&A 595, L6
Caffau, E. ; Andrievsky, S. ; Korotin, S.; Origlia, L. ; Oliva, E. ; Sanna, N.;
Ludwig, H.-G.; Bonifacio, P.
GIANO Y-band spectroscopy of dwarf stars: Phosphorus, sulphur, and strontium abundances
2016 A&A 585, A16
193/SOPHIE Archive
Chaturvedi, P.; Chakraborty, A.; Anandarao, B. G.; Roy, A.; Mahadevan, S.
Detection of a very low mass star in an eclipsing binary system
2016, MNRAS 462, 554
193/SOPHIE Archive
Desidera, S.; D'Orazi, V.; Lugaro, M.
Is beryllium ultra-depletion in solar-type stars linked to the presence of
a white dwarf companion?
2016 A&A 587, A46
193/SOPHIE Archive
192/ELODIE Archive
Díaz, R. F.; Rey, J.; Demangeon, O.; Hébrard, G. and 24 co-authors
The SOPHIE search for northern extrasolar planets. XI. Three new companions
and an orbit update: Giant planets in the habitable zone
2016, A&A 591, A146
Fischer, Debra A. ; Anglada-Escude, Guillem ; Arriagada, Pamela ; Baluev, Roman V. ;
Bean, Jacob L.; Bouchy, Francois ; Buchhave, Lars A.; Carroll, Thorsten ;
Chakraborty, Abhijit ; Crepp, Justin R. ; Dawson, Rebekah I. ; Diddams, Scott A. ;
Dumusque, Xavier ; Eastman, Jason D. ; Endl, Michael ; Figueira, Pedro; Ford, Eric B. ;
Foreman-Mackey, Daniel ; Fournier, Paul ; Fűrész, Gabor
State of the Field: Extreme Precision Radial Velocities
2016 PASP 128, 66001
Gebran, M.; Farah, W.; Paletou, F.; Monier, R.; Watson, V.
A new method for the inversion of atmospheric parameters of A/Am stars
2016, A&A 589, A83
193/ELODIE & SOPHIE Archives
Gorbaneva, T. I.; Mishenina, T. V.
Strontium Abundances in Cool Dwarf Stars of Galactic Thin and Thick Disks
2016, OAP 29, 70
Halbwachs, J.-L.; Boffin, H. M. J.; Le Bouquin, J.-B.; Kiefer, F. and 15 co-authors
Masses of the components of SB2s observed with Gaia - II.
Masses derived from PIONIER interferometric observations for Gaia validation
2016, MNRAS 455, 3303
Hartman, J. D.; Bakos, G. A.; Bhatti, W.; Penev, K. and 24 co-authors
HAT-P-65b and HAT-P-66b: Two Transiting Inflated Hot Jupiters and Observational
Evidence for the Reinflation of Close-in Giant Planets
2016, AJ 152, 182
Hay, K. L.; Collier-Cameron, A.; Doyle, A. P.; Hébrard, G. and 38 co-authors
WASP-92b, WASP-93b and WASP-118b: three new transiting close-in giant planets
2016, MNRAS 463, 3276
Hébrard, G.; Arnold, L.; Forveille, T.; Correia, A. C. M. and 32 co-authors
The SOPHIE search for northern extrasolar planets. X.
Detection and characterization of giant planets by the dozen
2016, A&A 588, A145
Hełminiak, K. G.; Kuzuhara, M.; Mede, K.; Brandt, T. D. and 48 co-authors
SEEDS Direct Imaging of the RV-detected Companion to V450 Andromedae,
and Characterization of the System
2016, ApJ 832, 33
193/ELODIE & SOPHIE Archives
Herrero, Enrique ; Ribas, Ignasi ; Jordi, Carme ; Morales, Juan Carlos ;
Perger, Manuel ; Rosich, Albert
Modelling the photosphere of active stars for planet detection and characterization
2016 A&A 586, A131
Houdebine, E. R.; Mullan, D. J.; Paletou, F.; Gebran, M.
Rotation-Activity Correlations in K and M Dwarfs. I. Stellar Parameters
and Compilations of v sin i and P/sin i for a Large Sample of Late-K and M Dwarfs
2016, ApJ 822, 97
193/SOPHIE Archive
Kiefer, F.; Halbwachs, J.-L.; Arenou, F.; Pourbaix, D. and 8 co-authors
Masses of the components of SB2 binaries observed with Gaia - III.
Accurate SB2 orbits for 10 binaries and masses of HIP 87895
2016, MNRAS 458, 3272
Lillo-Box, J.; Demangeon, O.; Santerne, A.; Barros, S. C. C. and 22 co-authors
K2-30 b and K2-34 b: Two inflated hot Jupiters around solar-type stars
2016, A&A 594, A50
Maciejewski, G. ; Dimitrov, D. ; Mancini, L.; Southworth, J. ; Ciceri, S. ; D'Ago, G.;
Bruni, I. ; Raetz, St. ; Nowak, G.; Ohlert, J. ; Puchalski, D. ; Saral, G. ;
Derman, E. ; Petrucci, R. ; Jofre, E. ; Seeliger, M. ; Henning, T.
New Transit Observations for HAT-P-30 b, HAT-P-37 b, TrES-5 b, WASP-28 b,
WASP-36 b and WASP-39 b
2016 AcA 66, 55
Monier, R.; Gebran, M.; Royer, F.
The nature of the late B-type stars HD 67044 and HD 42035
2016, Ap&SS 361, 139
Santerne, A.; Hébrard, G.; Lillo-Box, J.; Armstrong, D. J. and 73 co-authors
K2-29 b/WASP-152 b: An Aligned and Inflated Hot Jupiter in a Young Visual Binary
2016, ApJ 824, 55
Santerne, A.; Moutou, C.; Tsantaki, M.; Bouchy, F. and 18 co-authors
SOPHIE velocimetry of Kepler transit candidates. XVII.
The physical properties of giant exoplanets within 400 days of period
2016, A&A 587, A64
Santos, N. C.; Santerne, A.; Faria, J. P.; Rey, J. and 18 co-authors
An extreme planetary system around HD 219828. One long-period super Jupiter
to a hot-Neptune host star
2016, A&A 592, A13
Spake, J.J.; Brown, D.J. A.; Doyle, A.P.; Hébrard, G. and 27 co-authors
WASP-135b: a highly irradiated, inflated hot Jupiter orbiting a G5V star
2016, PASP 128, 024401
West, R.G.; Hellier, C.; Almenara, J.-M.; Anderson, D.R. and 24 co-authors
Three irradiated and bloated hot Jupiters: WASP-76b, WASP-82b & WASP-90b
2016, A&A 585, A126
Wilson, P. A.; Hébrard, G.; Santos, N. C.; Sahlmann, J. and 19 co-authors
The SOPHIE search for northern extrasolar planets. IX.
Populating the brown dwarf desert
2016, A&A 588, A144
Zhao, G.; Mashonkina, L. ; Yan, H. L.; Alexeeva, S. ; Kobayashi, C.; Pakhomov, Yu. ;
Shi, J. R.; Sitnova, T. ; Tan, K. F.; Zhang, H. W. ; Zhang, J. B. ; Zhou, Z. M. ;
Bolte, M. ; Chen, Y. Q. ; Li, X. ; Liu, F.; Zhai, M.
Systematic Non-LTE Study of the -.6 ≤ [Fe/H] ≤ 0.2 F and G Dwarfs in the Solar Neighborhood.
II. Abundance Patterns from Li to Eu
2016 ApJ 833, 225
193/ELODIE Archive
193/SOPHIE Archive
Almenara, J. M.; Damiani, C.; Bouchy, F.; Havel, M. and 9 co-authors
SOPHIE velocimetry of Kepler transit candidates. XV. KOI-614b, KOI-206b, and KOI-680b:
a massive warm Jupiter orbiting a G0 metallic dwarf and two highly inflated planets
with a distant companion around evolved F-type stars
2015, A&A 575, A71
Almenara, J. M. ; Díaz, R. F.; Mardling, R. ; Barros, S. C. C.; Damiani, C. ;
Bruno, G. ; Bonfils, X.; Deleuil, M.
Absolute masses and radii determination in multiplanetary systems without stellar models
2015 MNRAS 453, 2644
Armstrong, D.J.; Santerne, A.; Veras, D.; Barros, S.C.C. and 23 co-authors
One of the closest exoplanet pairs to the 3:2 mean motion resonance: K2-19b and c
2015, A&A 582, A33
Baluev, R.V.; Sokov, E.N.; Shaidulin, V.Sh.; Sokova, I.A. and 12 co-authors
Benchmarking the power of amateur observatories for TTV exoplanets detection
2015, MNRAS 450, 3101
193/SOPHIE Archive
Barros, S. C. C.; Almenara, J. M. ; Demangeon, O.; Tsantaki, M. ; Santerne, A.;
Armstrong, D. J. ; Barrado, D.; Brown, D. ; Deleuil, M.; Lillo-Box, J.; Osborn, H. ;
Pollacco, D. ; Abe, L. ; Andre, P. ; Bendjoya, P. ; Boisse, I. ; Bonomo, A. S.;
Bouchy, F. ; Bruno, G. ; Cerda, J. Rey
Photodynamical mass determination of the multiplanetary system K2-19
2015 MNRAS 454, 4267
Beck, P. G.; Kambe, E. ; Hillen, M. ; Corsaro, E.; Van Winckel, H. ; Moravveji, E. ;
De Ridder, J. ; Bloemen, S. ; Saesen, S. ; Mathias, P. ; Degroote, P. ; Kallinger, T.;
Verhoelst, T. ; Ando, H. ; Carrier, F. ; Acke, B. ; Oreiro, R. ; Miglio, A.;
Eggenberger, P. ; Sato, B.
Detection of solar-like oscillations in the bright red giant stars γ Piscium and
θ1 Tauri from a 190-day high-precision spectroscopic multi-site campaign
2015 A&A 573, A138
Böhm, T.; Holschneider, M.; Lignières, F.; Petit, P. and 7 co-authors
Discovery of starspots on Vega.
First spectroscopic detection of surface structures on a normal A-type star
2015, A&A 577, A64
Bonomo, A. S.; Sozzetti, A.; Santerne, A.; Deleuil, M. and 5 co-authors
Improved parameters of seven Kepler giant companions characterized with SOPHIE
2015, A&A 575, A85
Bourrier, V.; Lecavelier des Etangs, A.; Hébrard, G.; Santerne, A. and 10 co-authors
SOPHIE velocimetry of Kepler transit candidates. XVI.
Tomographic measurement of the low obliquity of KOI-12b, a warm Jupiter
transiting a fast rotator
2015, A&A 579, A55
Bruno, G.; Almenara, J.-M.; Barros, S. C. C.; Santerne, A. and 8 co-authors
SOPHIE velocimetry of Kepler transit candidates. XIV.
A joint photometric, spectroscopic, and dynamical analysis of the Kepler-117 system
2015, A&A 573, A124
Cabrera, J.; Csizmadia, Sz. ; Montagnier, G. ; Fridlund, M. ; Ammler-von Eiff, M. ;
Chaintreuil, S. ; Damiani, C.; Deleuil, M.; Ferraz-Mello, S. ; Ferrigno, A. ;
Gandolfi, D.; Guillot, T.; Guenther, E. W. ; Hatzes, A. ; Hébrard, G. ; Klagyivik, P.;
Parviainen, H. ; Pasternacki, Th. ; Pätzold, M. ; Sebastian, D.
Transiting exoplanets from the CoRoT space mission. XXVII. CoRoT-28b,
a planet orbiting an evolved star, and CoRoT-29b, a planet showing an asymmetric transit
2015 A&A 579, A3
Caffau, E.; Mott, A.; Steffen, M.; Bonifacio, P. and 4 co-authors
Chemical composition of a sample of bright solar-metallicity stars
2015, AN 336, 968
Courcol, B.; Bouchy, F.; Pepe, F.; Santerne, A. and 22 co-authors
The SOPHIE search for northern extrasolar planets. VII.
A warm Neptune orbiting HD 164595
2015, A&A 581, A38
Hartman, J.D.; Bhatti, W.; Bakos, G.Á.; Bieryla, A. and 25 co-authors
HAT-P-50b, HAT-P-51b, HAT-P-52b, and HAT-P-53b: Three Transiting Hot Jupiters
and a Transiting Hot Saturn From the HATNet Survey
2015, AJ 150, 168
Houdebine, E. R.; Mullan, D. J.
Dynamics of Rotation in M Dwarfs: Indications for a Change in the Dynamo Regime
in Stars at the Onset of Complete Convection
2015, ApJ 801, 106
193/SOPHIE Archive
Jofré, E.; Petrucci, R.; Saffe, C.; Saker, L. and 4 co-authors
Stellar parameters and chemical abundances of 223 evolved stars with
and without planets
2015, A&A 574, A50
193/ELODIE & SOPHIE Archives
Juncher, D. ; Buchhave, L. A.; Hartman, J. D.; Bakos, G. Á.; Bieryla, A.; Kovács, T. ;
Boisse, I. ; Latham, D. W. ; Kovács, G. ; Bhatti, W. ; Csubry, Z. ; Penev, K.;
de Val-Borro, M.; Falco, E. ; Torres, G.; Noyes, R.W.; Lázár, J. ; Papp, I. ; Sári, P.
HAT-P-55b: A Hot Jupiter Transiting a Sun-Like Star
2015 PASP 127, 851
Mishenina, T.; Gorbaneva, T.; Pignatari, M.; Thielemann, F.-K.; Korotin, S. A.
Mn abundances in the stars of the Galactic disc with metallicities -1.0 < [Fe/H] < 0.3
2015, MNRAS 454, 1585
Monier, R.; Gebran, M.; Royer, F.
Four new HgMn stars: HD 18104, HD 30085, HD 32867, and HD 53588
2015, A&A 577, A96
Sanchis-Ojeda, R. ; Rappaport, S.; Pallè, E.; Delrez, L. ; DeVore, J. ; Gandolfi, D.;
Fukui, A.; Ribas, I. ; Stassun, K. G.; Albrecht, S.; Dai, F. ; Gaidos, E. ;
Gillon, M.; Hirano, T. ; Holman, M. ; Howard, A. W.; Isaacson, H.; Jehin, E. ;
Kuzuhara, M. ; Mann, A. W.
The K2-ESPRINT Project I: Discovery of the Disintegrating Rocky Planet K2-22b
with a Cometary Head and Leading Tail
2015 ApJ 812, 112
193/SOPHIE Archive
Santerne, A.; Díaz, R. F.; Almenara, J.-M.; Bouchy, F. and 6 co-authors
PASTIS: Bayesian extrasolar planet validation
II. Constraining exoplanet blend scenarios using spectroscopic diagnoses
2015, MNRAS 451, 2337
Santos, N. C.; Adibekyan, V.; Mordasini, C.; Benz, W. and 9 co-authors
Constraining planet structure from stellar chemistry:
the cases of CoRoT-7, Kepler-10, and Kepler-93
2015, A&A 580, L13
Barros, S.C.C.; Díaz, R.F.; Santerne, A.; Bruno, G. and 8 coauthors
SOPHIE velocimetry of Kepler transit candidates - X. KOI-142c : first radial velocity
confirmation of a non-transiting exoplanet discovered by transit timing
2014, A&A 561, L1
Bieryla, A.; Hartman, J. D.; Bakos, G. Á.; Bhatti, W. and 17 co-authors
HAT-P-49b: A 1.7 M J Planet Transiting a Bright 1.5 M ☉ F-star
2014, AJ 147, 84
Borgniet, S.; Boisse, I.; Lagrange, A.-M.; Bouchy, F. and 18 co-authors
Extrasolar planets and brown dwarfs around A--F type stars. VIII.
A giant planet orbiting the young star HD113337
2014, A&A 561, A65
Brothwell, R. D.; Watson, C. A.; Hébrard, G.; Triaud, A. H. M. J.and 41 co-authors
A window on exoplanet dynamical histories:
Rossiter-McLaughlin observations of WASP-13b and WASP-32b
2014, MNRAS 440, 3392
Brucalassi, A.; Pasquini, L; Saglia, R.; Ruiz, M.T. and 6 coauthors
Three planetary companions around M67 stars
2014, A&A 561, L9
Deleuil, M.; Almenara, J.-M.; Santerne, A.; Barros, S. C. C. and 9 co-authors
SOPHIE velocimetry of Kepler transit candidates XI.
Kepler-412 system: probing the properties of a new inflated hot Jupiter
2014, A&A 564, A56
Díaz, R. F.; Montagnier, G.; Leconte, J.; Bonomo, A. S. and 9 co-authors
SOPHIE velocimetry of Kepler transit candidates. XIII.
KOI-189 b and KOI-686 b: two very low-mass stars in long-period orbits
2014, A&A 572, A109
Dumusque, X.
Deriving Stellar Inclination of Slow Rotators Using Stellar Activity
2014, ApJ 796, 133
Dumusque, X.; Boisse, I.; Santos, N. C.
SOAP 2.0: A Tool to Estimate the Photometric and Radial Velocity Variations
Induced by Stellar Spots and Plages
2014, ApJ 796, 132
Fonseca, N. N. J.; Alencar, S. H. P.; Bouvier, J.; Favata, F.; Flaccomio, E.
Dynamical star-disk interaction in the young stellar system V354 Monocerotis
2014, A&A 567, A39
Glazunova, L. V. ; Mishenina, T. V. ; Soubiran, C. ; Kovtyukh, V. V.
Absolute parameters and chemical composition of the binary star OU Gem
2014 MNRAS 444, 1901
Goobar, A.; Johansson, J.; Amanullah, R.; Cao, Y. and 30 co-authors
The Rise of SN 2014J in the Nearby Galaxy M82
2014, ApJ 784, L12
Halbwachs, J.-L.; Arenou, F.; Pourbaix, D.; Famaey, B. and 6 co-authors
Masses of the components of SB2 binaries observed with Gaia - I.
Selection of the sample and mass ratios of 20 new SB2s discovered with Sophie
2014, MNRAS 445, 2371
Hébrard, G.; Santerne, A.; Montagnier, G.; Bruno, G. and 9 co-authors
Characterization of the four new transiting planets KOI-188b, KOI-195b, KOI-192b, and KOI-830b
2014, A&A 572, A93
Kostov, V. B.; McCullough, P. R.; Carter, J. A.; Deleuil, M. and 8 co-authors
Kepler-413b: A Slightly Misaligned, Neptune-size Transiting Circumbinary Planet
2014, ApJ 784, 14
Marcy, G.W.; Isaacson, H.; Howard, A.W.; Rowe, J.F. and more than 80 co-authors
Masses, Radii, and Orbits of Small Kepler Planets: The Transition from Gaseous to Rocky Planets
2014, ApJS 210, 20
Moutou, C.; Hébrard, G.; Bouchy, F.; Arnold, L. and 20 co-authors
The SOPHIE search for northern extrasolar planets. VI.
Three new hot Jupiters in multi-planet extrasolar systems
2014, A&A 563, A22
Neves, V. ; Bonfils, X. ; Santos, N. C. ; Delfosse, X. ; Forveille, T. ; Allard, F. ;
Udry, S.
Metallicity of M dwarfs. IV. A high-precision [Fe/H] and Teff technique from
high-resolution optical spectra for M dwarfs
2014 A&A 568, A121
193/SOPHIE Archive
Parviainen, H.; Gandolfi, D.; Deleuil, M.; Moutou, C. and 35 co-authors
Transiting exoplanets from the CoRoT space mission. XXV.
CoRoT-27b: a massive and dense planet on a short-period orbit
2014, A&A 562, A140
Royer, F.; Gebran, M.; Monier, R.; Adelman, S. and 5 co-authors
Normal A0-A1 stars with low rotational velocities. I.
Abundance determination and classification
Santerne, A.; Hébrard, G.; Deleuil, M.; Havel, M. and 35 co-authors
SOPHIE velocimetry of Kepler transit candidates. XII.
KOI-1257 b: a highly eccentric three-month period transiting exoplanet
2014, A&A 571, A37
Smith, A. M. S.; Anderson, D. R.; Armstrong, D. J.; Barros, S. C. C. and 28 co-authors
WASP-104b and WASP-106b: two transiting hot Jupiters in 1.75-day and 9.3-day orbits
2014, A&A 570, A64
Tsantaki, M.; Sousa, S. G.; Santos, N. C.; Montalto, M. and 4 ca-authors
Spectroscopic parameters for solar-type stars with moderate-to-high rotation.
New parameters for ten planet hosts
2014, A&A 570, A80
Wang, Xiao-bin ; Gu, Sheng-hong ; Collier Cameron, Andrew ; Wang, Yi-bo ;
Hui, Ho-Keung ; Kwok, Chi-Tai ; Yeung, Bill ; Leung, Kam-Cheung
The Refined Physical Properties of Transiting Exoplanetary System WASP-11/HAT-P-10
2014 AJ 147, 92
Basak, N. Yu. ; Mishenina, T. V.
Analysis of the Parameters and Abundance of N-Capture Elements for Four Stars
with Different Metallicity
2013 OAP 26, 30
Boisse, I., Hartman, J.D., Bakos, G.A., Penev, K., and 19 co-authors
HAT-P-42b and HAT-P-43b : Two inflated transiting hot Jupiters from the HATNet Survey
2013, A&A 558, A86
Boissé, P.; Federman, S. R.; Pineau des Forêts, G.; Ritchey, A. M.
The au-scale structure in diffuse molecular gas towards ζ Persei
2013, A&A 559, A131
Bouchy, F.; Díaz, R. F.; Hébrard, G.; Arnold, L. and 4 coauthors
SOPHIE+: First results of an octagonal-section fiber for high-precision radial velocity measurements
2013, A&A 549, A49
Díaz, R. F.; Damiani, C.; Deleuil, M.; Almenara, J. M. and 8 coauthors
SOPHIE velocimetry of Kepler transit candidates.
VIII. KOI-205 b: a brown-dwarf companion to a K-type dwarf
2013, A&A 551, L9
Faedi, F.; Pollacco, D.; Barros, S. C. C.; Brown, D. and 37 co-authors
WASP-54b, WASP-56b, and WASP-57b: Three new sub-Jupiter mass planets from SuperWASP
2013, A&A 551, A73
Faigler, S.; Tal-Or, L.; Mazeh, T.; Latham, D. W.; Buchhave, L. A.
BEER Analysis of Kepler and CoRoT Light Curves. I. Discovery of Kepler-76b:
A Hot Jupiter with Evidence for Superrotation
2013, ApJ 771, 26
García Hernández, A.; Moya, A.; Michel, E.; Suárez, J. C. and 17 coauthors
An in-depth study of HD 174966 with CoRoT photometry and HARPS spectroscopy.
Large separation as a new observable for δ Scuti stars
2013, A&A 559, A63
Guiglion, G.; Nardetto, N.; Mathias, P.; Domiciano de Souza, A. and 5 coauthors
Understanding the dynamical structure of pulsating stars:
The Baade-Wesselink projection factor of the δ Scuti stars AI Velorum and β Cassiopeiae
2013, A&A 550, L10
Hébrard, G.; Collier Cameron, A.; Brown, D. J. A.; Díaz, R. F. and 29 coauthors
WASP-52b, WASP-58b, WASP-59b, and WASP-60b: Four new transiting close-in giant planets
2013, A&A 549, A134
Hébrard, G.; Almenara, J.-M.; Santerne, A.; Deleuil, M. and 7 co-authors
KOI-200 b and KOI-889 b: Two transiting exoplanets detected
and characterized with Kepler, SOPHIE, and HARPS-N
2013, A&A 554, A114
Kostov, V. B.; McCullough, P. R.; Hinse, T. C.; Tsvetanov, Z. I. and 4 co-authors
A Gas Giant Circumbinary Planet Transiting the F Star Primary of the Eclipsing Binary Star
KIC 4862625 and the Independent Discovery and Characterization of the Two Transiting Planets
in the Kepler-47 System
2013, ApJ 770, 52
Mortier, A.; Santos, N. C.; Sousa, S. G.; Adibekyan, V. Zh. and 4 co-authors
New and updated stellar parameters for 71 evolved planet hosts.
On the metallicity-giant planet connection
2013, A&A 557, A70
Mortier, A.; Santos, N. C.; Sousa, S. G.; Fernandes, J. M. and 4 coauthors
New and updated stellar parameters for 90 transit hosts. The effect of the surface gravity
2013, A&A 558, A106
Moutou, C.; Bonomo, A. S.; Bruno, G.; Montagnier, G. and 7 coauthors
SOPHIE velocimetry of Kepler transit candidates. IX. KOI-415 b: a long-period,
eccentric transiting brown dwarf to an evolved Sun
2013, A&A 558, L6
Rauw, G.; Nazé, Y.; Spano, M.; Morel, T.; ud-Doula, A.
HD 45314: a new γ Cassiopeiae analog among Oe stars
Santos, N. C.; Sousa, S. G.; Mortier, A. ; Neves, V. ; Adibekyan, V.; Tsantaki, M.;
Delgado Mena, E.; Bonfils, X.; Israelian, G. ; Mayor, M. ; Udry, S.
SWEET-Cat: A catalogue of parameters for Stars With ExoplanETs.
I. New atmospheric parameters and masses for 48 stars with planets
2013 A&A 556, A150
Smith, A. M. S.; Anderson, D. R.; Bouchy, F.; Collier Cameron, A.; Doyle, A. P. ;
Fumel, A. ; Gillon, M. ; Hébrard, G. ; Hellier, C. ; Jehin, E. ; Lendl, M. ;
Maxted, P. F. L. ; Moutou, C. ; Pepe, F. ; Pollacco, D. ; Queloz, D. ; Santerne, A.;
Segransan, D. ; Smalley, B. ; Southworth, J. ; ...
WASP-71b: a bloated hot Jupiter in a 2.9-day, prograde orbit around an evolved F8 star
2013 A&A 552, A120
Soubiran, C.; Jasniewicz, G.; Chemin, L.; Crifo, F. and 3 coauthors
The catalogue of radial velocity standard stars for Gaia. I. Pre-launch release
2013, A&A 552, A64
Strassmeier, K. G.; Weber, M.; Granzer, T.
Robotic observations of the most eccentric spectroscopic binary in the sky
2013 A&A 559, A17
193/ELODIE Archive
193/SOPHIE Archive
Acharova, I. A. ; Mishurov, Yu. N. ; Kovtyukh, V. V.
Galactic restrictions on iron production by various types of supernovae
2012 MNRAS 420, 1590
Aigrain, S.; Pont, F.; Zucker, S.
A simple method to estimate radial velocity variations due to
stellar activity using photometry
2012, MNRAS 419, 3147
Basak, N. Yu. ; Mishenina, T. V.
Lines Selection to Determine the Chemical Composition of Stars
in the Range -3 ≤ [Fe/H] ≤ -0.7
2012 OAP 25, 15
Boisse, I.; Pepe, F.; Perrier, C.; Queloz, D. and 20 coauthors
The SOPHIE search for northern extrasolar planets. V. Follow-up of ELODIE candidates: Jupiter-analogs around Sun-like stars
2012, A&A 545, A55
Bonomo, A. S.; Hébrard, G.; Santerne, A.; Santos, N. C. and 6 coauthors
SOPHIE velocimetry of Kepler transit candidates. V. The three hot Jupiters KOI-135b, KOI-204b, and KOI-203b (alias Kepler-17b)
2012, A&A 538, A96
Brunsden, E.; Pollard, K.R. ; Cottrell, P.L. ; Wright, D.J.; De Cat, P.; Kilmartin, P.M.
Spectroscopic pulsational frequency identification and mode determination
of γ Doradus star HD 135825
2012 MNRAS 422, 3535
Carone, L.; Gandolfi, D.; Cabrera, J.; Hatzes, A. P. and 69 coauthors
Planetary transit candidates in the CoRoT LRa01 field
2012, A&A 538, A112
Cavarroc, C.; Moutou, C.; Gandolfi, D.; Tingley, B. and 46 coauthors
Transiting exoplanets from the CoRoT space mission Resolving the nature of transit candidates for the LRa03 and SRa03 fields
2012, Ap&SS 337, 511
Deleuil, M.; Bonomo, A. S.; Ferraz-Mello, S.; Erikson, A.; Bouchy, F. and 41 coauthors
Transiting exoplanets from the CoRoT space mission. XX.
CoRoT-20b: A very high density, high eccentricity transiting giant planet
2012, A&A 538, A145
Díaz, R. F.; Santerne, A.; Sahlmann, J.; Hébrard, G. and 19 coauthors
The SOPHIE search for northern extrasolar planets. IV. Massive companions in the planet-brown dwarf boundary
2012, A&A 538, A113
Erikson, A.; Santerne, A.; Renner, S.; Barge, P. and 51 coauthors
Planetary transit candidates in the CoRoT-SRc01 field
2012, A&A 539, A14
Guenther, E. W.; Díaz, R. F.; Gazzano, J.-C.; Mazeh, T. and 50 coauthors
Transiting exoplanets from the CoRoT space mission. XXI.
CoRoT-19b: a low density planet orbiting an old inactive F9V-star
2012, A&A 537, A136
Halbwachs, J.-L.; Mayor, M.; Udry, S.
Double stars with wide separations in the AGK3 - I. Components that are themselves spectroscopic binaries
2012, MNRAS 422, 14
Houdebine, E. R.
Observation and modelling of main-sequence star chromospheres - XVII. Rotation of dM4 stars
2012, MNRAS 421, 3180
Houdebine, E. R.
Observation and modelling of main-sequence star chromospheres - XVIII. Observations of the Ca II resonance lines and H-alpha line for dM4 stars
and dK5 stars
2012, MNRAS 421, 3189
193/SOPHIE Archive + ELODIE Archive
Husnoo, N.; Pont, F.; Mazeh, T.; Fabrycky, D. and 3 coauthors
Observational constraints on tidal effects using orbital eccentricities
2012, MNRAS 422, 3151
Kovári, Zs.; Korhonen, H.; Kriskovics, L.; Vida, K. and 5 coauthors
Measuring differential rotation of the K-giant Zeta Andromedae
2012, A&A 539, A50
Montalto, M.; Gregorio, J.; Boué, G.; Mortier, A. and 6 coauthors
A new analysis of the WASP-3 system: no evidence for an additional companion
2012, MNRAS 427, 2757
Nazé, Y.; Mahy, L.; Damerdji, Y.; Kobulnicky, H. A. and 4 coauthors
The 2.35 year itch of Cygnus OB2 #9. I. Optical and X-ray monitoring
2012, A&A 546, A37
Neiner, C.; Floquet, M.; Samadi, R.; Espinosa Lara, F. and 23 coauthors
Stochastic gravito-inertial modes discovered by CoRoT in the hot Be star HD 51452
2012, A&A 546, A47
Neves, V.; Bonfils, X.; Santos, N. C.; Delfosse, X. and 5 coauthors
Metallicity of M dwarfs. II. A comparative study of photometric metallicity scales
2012, A&A 538, A25
Pasquini, L.; Brucalassi, A.; Ruiz, M. T.; Bonifacio, P. and 6 coauthors
Search for giant planets in M 67. I. Overview
2012, A&A 545, A139
Powell, Stacie L.; Irwin, Mike; Bouvier, Jerome; Clarke, Cathie J.
The periodic spectroscopic variability of FU Orionis
2012, MNRAS 426, 3315
Rauw, G.; Morel, T.; Palate, M.
The nature of the high Galactic latitude O-star HD 93521: new results from X-ray and optical spectroscopy
2012, A&A 546, A77
Santerne, A.; Díaz, R. F.; Moutou, C.; Bouchy, F. and 5 coauthors
SOPHIE velocimetry of Kepler transit candidates. VII. A false-positive rate of 35% for Kepler close-in giant candidates
2012, A&A 545, A76
Santerne, A.; Moutou, C.; Barros, S. C. C.; Damiani, C. and 6 coauthors
SOPHIE velocimetry of Kepler transit candidates. VI. An additional companion in the KOI-13 system
2012, A&A 544, L12
Albrecht, S.; Winn, J.N.; Carter, J.A.; Snellen, I.A.G.; de Mooij, E.J.W.
The Banana Project. III. Spin-Orbit Alignment in the Long-period Eclipsing Binary NY Cephei
2011, ApJ 726, 68
Anderson, D. R.; Barros, S. C. C.; Boisse, I.; Bouchy, F.; Collier Cameron, A.; Faedi, F.; Hebrard,
G.; Hellier, C.; Lendl, M.; Moutou, C.; and 16 coauthors
WASP-40b: Independent Discovery of the 0.6 M Transiting Exoplanet HAT-P-27b
Barros, S. C. C.; Faedi, F.; Collier Cameron, A.; Lister, T. A. and 30 coauthors
WASP-38b: a transiting exoplanet in an eccentric, 6.87d period orbit
2011, A&A 525, A54
Boisse, I.; Bouchy, F.; Hébrard, G.; Bonfils, X.; Santos, N.; Vauclair, S.
Disentangling between stellar activity and planetary signals
Bouchy, F.; Bonomo, A. S.; Santerne, A.; Moutou, C.; Deleuil, M.; Díaz, R. F.; Eggenberger, A.;
Ehrenreich, D.; Gry, C.; Guillot, T.; and 3 coauthors
SOPHIE velocimetry of Kepler transit candidates. III. KOI-423b: an 18 MJup transiting companion
around an F7IV star
De Becker, Michaël ; McSwain, M. Virginia ; Aragona, Christina
First results on the optical campaign devoted to the gamma-ray binary candidate HD259440
2011 BSRSL 80, 648
Ehrenreich, D.; Lagrange, A.-M.; Bouchy, F.; Perrier, C. and 18 coauthors
SOPHIE velocimetry of Kepler transit candidates I. Detection of the low-mass white dwarf KOI 74b
2011, A&A 525, A85
Enoch, B.; Anderson, D. R.; Barros, S. C. C.; Brown, D. J. A.; Collier Cameron, A.; Faedi, F.;
Gillon, M.; Hébrard, G.; Lister, T. A.; Queloz, D.; and 29 coauthors
WASP-35b, WASP-48b, and HAT-P-30b/WASP-51b: Two New Planets and an Independent Discovery
of a Hat Planet
Faedi, F.; Barros, S. C. C.; Anderson, D. R.; Brown, D. J. A.; Collier Cameron, A.; Pollacco, D.;
Boisse, I.; Hébrard, G.; Lendl, M.; Lister, T. A.; and 23 coauthors
WASP-39b: a highly inflated Saturn-mass planet orbiting a late G-type star
Fahed, R.; Moffat, A. F. J.; Zorec, J.; Eversberg, T.; Chené, A. N.; Alves, F.; Arnold, W.;
Bergmann, T.; Corcoran, M. F.; Correia Viegas, N. G.; and 24 coauthors
Spectroscopy of the archetype colliding-wind binary WR 140 during the 2009 January
periastron passage
Hareter, M.; Fossati, L.; Weiss, W.; Suárez, J. C.; Uytterhoeven, K.; Rainer, M.; Poretti, E.
Looking for a Connection between the Am Phenomenon and Hybrid δ Sct -γ Dor Pulsation:
Determination of the Fundamental Parameters and Abundances of HD 114839 and BD +18°4914
2011, ApJ 743, 153
Hébrard, G.; Ehrenreich, D.; Bouchy, F.; Delfosse, X.; Moutou, C.; Arnold, L.; Boisse, I.;
Bonfils, X.; Díaz, R. F.; Eggenberger, A.; and 11 coauthors
The retrograde orbit of the HAT-P-6b exoplanet
Hébrard, G.; Evans, T. M.; Alonso, R.; Fridlund, M.; Ofir, A.; Aigrain, S.; Guillot, T.;
Almenara, J. M.; Auvergne, M.; Baglin, A.; and 37 coauthors
Transiting exoplanets from the CoRoT space mission. XVIII. CoRoT-18b: a massive hot Jupiter on a
prograde, nearly aligned orbit
Hirano, Teruyuki ; Narita, Norio ; Sato, Bun'ei ; Winn, Joshua N. ; Aoki, Wako ;
Tamura, Motohide ; Taruya, Atsushi; Suto, Yasushi
Further Observations of the Tilted Planet XO-3:
A New Determination of Spin-Orbit Misalignment, and Limits on Differential Rotation
2011 PASJ 63, L57
Houdebine, E. R.
Observation and modelling of main-sequence star chromospheres - XVI. Rotation of dK5 stars
Husnoo, Nawal; Pont, Frédéric; Hébrard, Guillaume; Simpson, Elaine; Mazeh, Tsevi; Bouchy, François;
Moutou, Claire; Arnold, Luc; Boisse, Isabelle; Díaz, Rodrigo F.; and 2 coauthors
Orbital eccentricity of WASP-12 and WASP-14 from new radial velocity monitoring with SOPHIE
Lanza, A. F.; Boisse, I.; Bouchy, F.; Bonomo, A. S.; Moutou, C.
Deriving the radial-velocity variations induced by stellar activity from high-precision photometry.
Test on HD 189733 with simultaneous MOST/SOPHIE data
Moutou, C.; Díaz, R. F.; Udry, S.; Hébrard, G.; Bouchy, F.; Santerne, A.; Ehrenreich, D.; Arnold, L.;
Boisse, I.; Bonfils, X.; and 15 coauthors
Spin-orbit inclinations of the exoplanetary systems HAT-P-8b, HAT-P-9b, HAT-P-16b, and HAT-P-23b
Nazé, Y.; Damerdji, Y. ; Rauw, G.; Kiminki, D. C. ; Mahy, L.; Kobulnicky, H. A. ;
Morel, T. ; De Becker, M. ; Eenens, P. ; Barbieri, C.
A first orbital solution for the non-thermal radio emitter Cyg OB2 #9
2011 BSRSL 80, 709
Perruchot, S.; Bouchy, F.; Chazelas, B.; Díaz, R. F.; Hébrard, G.; Arnaud, K.; Arnold, L.; Avila, G.;
Delfosse, X.; Boisse, I.;
Higher-precision radial velocity measurements with the SOPHIE spectrograph using
octagonal-section fibers
Santerne, A.; Díaz, R. F.; Bouchy, F.; Deleuil, M.; Moutou, C.; Hébrard, G.; Eggenberger, A.;
Ehrenreich, D.; Gry, C.; Udry, S.
SOPHIE velocimetry of Kepler transit candidates. II. KOI-428b: a hot Jupiter transiting
a subgiant F-star
Santerne, A.; Bonomo, A. S.; Hébrard, G. and 5 coauthors
SOPHIE velocimetry of Kepler transit candidates. IV. KOI-196b:
a non-inflated hot Jupiter with a high albedo
2011, A&A 536, A70
Simpson, E. K.; Barros, S. C. C.; Brown, D. J. A.; Collier Cameron, A.; Pollacco, D.; Skillen, I.;
Stempels, H. C.; Boisse, I.; Faedi, F.; Hébrard, G.; and 28 coauthors
Independent Discovery of the Transiting Exoplanet HAT-P-14b
Simpson, E. K.; Faedi, F.; Barros, S. C. C.; Brown, D. J. A. and 38 coauthors
WASP-37b: A 1.8 M J Exoplanet Transiting a Metal-poor Star
2011, AJ 141, 8
Simpson, E. K.; Pollacco, D.; Cameron, A. Collier; Hébrard, G.; Anderson, D. R.; Barros, S. C. C.;
Boisse, I.; Bouchy, F.; Faedi, F.; Gillon, M.; and 11 coauthors
The spin-orbit angles of the transiting exoplanets WASP-1b, WASP-24b, WASP-38b and HAT-P-8b from
Rossiter-McLaughlin observations
Smoker, J. V. ; Bagnulo, S.; Cabanac, R. ; Keenan, F. P. ; Fossati, L. ; Ledoux, C.;
Jehin, E. ; Melo, C
Early-type stars observed in the ESO UVES Paranal Observatory Project -
III. Sub-parsec and au-scale structure in the interstellar medium
2011 MNRAS 414, 59
Tal-Or, L.; Santerne, A.; Mazeh, T.; Bouchy, F.; Moutou, C.; Alonso, R.; Gandolfi, D.; Aigrain, S.;
Auvergne, M.; Barge, P.; and 23 coauthors
CoRoT LRa02_E2_0121: Neptune-size planet candidate turns into a hierarchical triple system with a
giant primary
Uytterhoeven, K. ; Moya, A.; Grigahcène, A. ; Guzik, J. A. ; Gutiérrez-Soto, J. ;
Smalley, B. ; Handler, G.; Balona, L. A. ; Niemczura, E.; Fox Machado, L. ;
Benatti, S.; Chapellier, E. ; Tkachenko, A. ; Szabó, R.; Suárez, J. C.; Ripepi, V.;
Pascual, J. ; Mathias, P. ; Martín-Ruíz, S. ; Lehmann, H. ;
The Kepler characterization of the variability among A- and F-type stars.
I. General overview
2011 A&A 534, A125
Wright, D. J.; Chené, A.-N.; De Cat, P.; Marois, C.; Mathias, P.; Macintosh, B.; Isaacs, J.;
Lehmann, H.; Hartmann, M.
Determination of the Inclination of the Multi-planet Hosting Star HR 8799 Using Asteroseismology
Aragona, Christina ; McSwain, M. Virginia ; De Becker, Michaël
HD 259440: The Proposed Optical Counterpart of the γ-ray Binary HESS J0632+057
2010 ApJ 724, 306
193/SOPHIE Archive
Boisse, I.; Eggenberger, A.; Santos, N. C.; Lovis, C. and 21 coauthors
The SOPHIE search for northern extrasolar planets. III.
A Jupiter-mass companion around HD 109246
2010, A&A 523, A88
Bordé, P.; Bouchy, F.; Deleuil, M.; Cabrera, J. and 46 coauthors
Transiting exoplanets from the CoRoT space mission. XI.
CoRoT-8b: a hot and dense sub-Saturn around a K1 dwarf
2010, A&A 520, A66
Bouchy, F.; Hebb, L.; Skillen, I.; Collier Cameron, A. and 24 coauthors
WASP-21b: a hot-Saturn exoplanet transiting a thick disc star
2010, A&A 519, A98
Chaplin, W. J. ; Appourchaux, T.; Elsworth, Y. ; García, R. A.; Houdek, G.; Karoff, C. ;
Metcalfe, T. S.; Molenda-Żakowicz, J. ; Monteiro, M. J. P. F. G.; Thompson, M. J. ;
Brown, T. M. ; Christensen-Dalsgaard, J. ; Gilliland, R. L. ; Kjeldsen, H. ;
Borucki, W. J. ; Koch, D. ; Jenkins, J. M. ; Ballot, J. ; Basu, S.; Bazot, M.
The Asteroseismic Potential of Kepler: First Results for Solar-Type Stars">2010 ApJ 713, L169
Desmet, M.; Frémat, Y.; Baudin, F.; Harmanec, P. and 14 coauthors
CoRoT photometry and high-resolution spectroscopy of the interacting
eclipsing binary AU Monocerotis
2010, MNRAS 401, 418
Fossati, L. ; Bagnulo, S.; Elmasli, A. ; Haswell, C. A. ; Holmes, S. ; Kochukhov, O. ;
Shkolnik, E. L. ; Shulyak, D. V. ; Bohlender, D.; Albayrak, B. ; Froning, C. ; Hebb, L.
A Detailed Spectropolarimetric Analysis of the Planet-hosting Star WASP-12
2010 ApJ 720, 872
193/SOPHIE Archive
Fridlund, M.; Hébrard, G.; Alonso, R.; Deleuil, M. and 44 coauthors
Transiting exoplanets from the CoRoT space mission. IX.
CoRoT-6b: a transiting "hot Jupiter" planet
in an 8.9d orbit around a low-metallicity star
2010, A&A 512, A14
Gandolfi, D., Hébrard, G., Alonso, R., Deleuil, M. and 51 coauthors
Transiting exoplanets from the CoRoT space mission XIV.
CoRoT-11b: a transiting massive "hot-Jupiter" in a prograde orbit around a rapidly rotating
F-type star
2010, A&A 524, A55
Gebran, M., Vick, M., Monier, R. and Fossati, L.
Chemical composition of A and F dwarfs members of the Hyades open cluster
2010, A&A 523, A71
Hébrard, G.; Désert, J.-M.; Díaz, R. F.; Boisse, I. and 23 coauthors
Observation of the full 12-hour-long transit of the exoplanet HD 80606b.
Warm-Spitzer photometry and SOPHIE spectroscopy
2010, A&A 516, A95
Hébrard, G.; Bonfils, X.; Ségransan, D.; Moutou, C. and 18 coauthors
The SOPHIE search for northern extrasolar planets. II.
A multiple planet system around HD 9446
2010, A&A 513, A69
Houdebine, E. R.
Observation and modelling of main-sequence star chromospheres - XIV.
Rotation of dM1 stars
2010, MNRAS 407, 1657
Miller, G. R. M.; Collier Cameron, A.; Simpson, E. K.; Pollacco, D. and 8 coauthors
The Doppler shadow of WASP-3b. A tomographic analysis of Rossiter-McLaughlin observations
2010, A&A 523, A52
Mishenina, T. V. ; Glazunova, L. V. ; Soubiran, C.; Kovtyukh, V. V.
The New Absolute Parameters of OU Gem - The Star of BY Dra Type
2010 OAP 23, 83
Nazé, Y.; Damerdji, Y.; Rauw, G.; Kiminki, D. C. and 6 coauthors
First Orbital Solution for the Non-thermal Emitter Cyg OB2 No. 9
2010, ApJ 719, 634
Pál, András ; Bakos, Gáspár Á.; Torres, Guillermo; Noyes, Robert W. ; Fischer, Debra A. ;
Johnson, John A. ; Henry, Gregory W. ; Butler, R. Paul ; Marcy, Geoffrey W. ;
Howard, Andrew W. ; Sipőcz, Brigitta; Latham, David W. ; Esquerdo, Gilbert A.
Refined stellar, orbital and planetary parameters of the eccentric HAT-P-2 planetary system
2010 MNRAS 401, 2665
Simpson, E. K.; Pollacco, D.; Hébrard, G.; Gibson, N. P. and 7 coauthors
The spin-orbit alignment of the transiting exoplanet WASP-3b from
Rossiter-McLaughlin observations
2010, MNRAS 405, 1867
Uytterhoeven, K.; Briquet, M.; Bruntt, H.; De Cat, P. and 10 coauthors
Ground-based follow-up in relation to Kepler asteroseismic investigation
2010, AN 331, 993
Vidal-Madjar, A.; Arnold, L.; Ehrenreich, D.; Ferlet, R. and 24 coauthors
The Earth as an extrasolar transiting planet.
Earth's atmospheric composition and thickness revealed by Lunar eclipse observations
2010, A&A 523, A57
Albrecht, S.; Reffert, S.; Snellen, I. A. G.; Winn, J. N.
Misaligned spin and orbital axes cause the anomalous precession of DI Herculis
2009, Nature 461, 373
Ammler-von Eiff, M.; Santos, N. C.; Sousa, S. G.; Fernandes, J. and 4 coauthors
A homogeneous spectroscopic analysis of host stars of transiting planets
2009, A&A 507, 523
Boisse, I.; Moutou, C.; Vidal-Madjar, A.; Bouchy, F. and 19 coauthors
Stellar activity of planetary host star HD 189733
2009, A&A 495, 959
Boissé, P.; Rollinde, E.; Hily-Blant, P.; Pety, J. and 6 coauthours
CO emission and variable CH and CH+ absorption towards HD 34078:
evidence for a nascent bow shock?
2009, A&A 501, 221
Bouchy, F.; Hébrard, G.; Udry, S.; Delfosse, X. and 17 coauthors
The SOPHIE search for northern extrasolar planets . I.
A companion around HD 16760 with mass close to the planet/brown-dwarf transition
2009, A&A 505, 853
Briquet, M.; Uytterhoeven, K.; Morel, T.; Aerts, C. and 19 coauthors
Ground-based observations of the Beta Cephei CoRoT main target HD180642:
abundance analysis and mode identification
2009, A&A 506, 269
Christian, D. J.; Gibson, N. P.; Simpson, E. K.; Street, R. A. and 26 coauthors
WASP-10b: a 3MJ, gas-giant planet transiting a late-type K star
2009, MNRAS 392, 1585
Desort, M.; Lagrange, A.-M.; Galland, F.; Udry, S. and 22 coauthors
Extrasolar planets and brown dwarfs around A-F type stars. VII.
Theta Cygni radial velocity variations: planets or stellar phenomenon?
2009, A&A 506, 1469
Dolez, N.; Vauclair, S.; Michel, E.; Hui-Bon-Hoa, A. and 12 coauthors
HD 51106 and HD 50747: an ellipsoidal binary and a triple system observed with CoRoT
2009, A&A 506, 159
Hebb, L.; Collier-Cameron, A.; Loeillet, B.; Pollacco, D. and 31 coauthors
WASP-12b: The Hottest Transiting Extrasolar Planet Yet Discovered
2009, ApJ 693, 1920
Joshi, Y. C.; Pollacco, D.; Cameron, A. Collier and 38 coauthors
WASP-14b: 7.3 MJ transiting planet in an eccentric orbit
2009, MNRAS 392, 1532
Léger, A.; Rouan, D.; Schneider, J.; Barge, P. and 160 coauthors
Transiting exoplanets from the CoRoT space mission. VIII.
CoRoT-7b: the first super-Earth with measured radius
2009, A&A 506, 287
Moutou, C.; Hébrard, G.; Bouchy, F.; Eggenberger, A. and 18 coauthors
Photometric and spectroscopic detection of the primary transit of the
111-day-period planet HD80606b
2009, A&A 498, L5
193/SOPHIE, 120/Camera CCD
Moutou, C.; Pont, F.; Bouchy, F.; Deleuil, M. and 44 coauthors
Planetary transit candidates in the CoRoT initial run: resolving their nature
2009, A&A 506, 21
Pont, F.; Hébrard, G.; Irwin, J. M.; Bouchy, F. and 23 coauthors
Spin-orbit misalignment in the HD 80606 planetary system
2009, A&A 502, 695
193/SOPHIE, 120/Camera CCD
Rauer, H.; Queloz, D.; Csizmadia, Sz.; Deleuil, M. and 42 coauthors
Transiting exoplanets from the CoRoT space mission. VII.
The ``hot-Jupiter''-type planet CoRoT-5b
2009, A&A 506, 281
Shporer, A.; Bakos, G. Á.; Bouchy, F.; Pont, F. and 13 coauthors
HAT-P-9b: a Low-Density Planet Transiting a Moderately Faint F Star
2009, ApJ 690, 1393
Skillen, I.; Pollacco, D.; Collier Cameron, A.; Hebb, L. and 31 coauthors
The 0.5MJ transiting exoplanet WASP-13b
2009, A&A 502, 391
West, R. G.; Collier Cameron, A.; Hebb, L.; Joshi, Y. C. and 25 coauthors
The sub-Jupiter mass transiting exoplanet WASP-11b
2009, A&A 502, 395
Alonso, R.; Auvergne, M.; Baglin, A.; and 40 coauthors
Transiting exoplanets from the CoRoT space mission. II.
CoRoT-Exo-2b: a transiting planet
around an active G star
2008, A&A 482, L21
Arentoft, T.; Kjeldsen, H.; Bedding, T.R. and 45 co-authors
A Multisite Campaign to Measure Solar-like Oscillations in Procyon. I.
Observations, Data Reduction,
and Slow Variations
2008, Ap.J. 687, 1180-1190
Barge, P.; Baglin, A.; Auvergne, M.; and 35 coauthors
Transiting exoplanets from the CoRoT space mission. I.
CoRoT-Exo-1b: a low-density short-period
planet around a G0V star
2008, A&A 482, L17
Bouchy, F.; Queloz, D.; Deleuil, M.; and 34 coauthors
Transiting exoplanets from the CoRoT space mission. III.
The spectroscopic transit of CoRoT-Exo-2b
2008, A&A 482, L25
Deleuil, M.; Deeg, H. J.; Alonso, R.; and 39 coauthors
Transiting exoplanets from the CoRoT space mission . VI.
CoRoT-Exo-3b: the first secure inhabitant of the brown-dwarf desert
2008, A&A 491, 889
Fossati, L.; Bagnulo, S.; Landstreet, J.; and 5 coauthors
The effect of rotation on the abundances of the chemical elements of the
A-type stars in the
Praesepe cluster
2008, A&A 483, 891
Fossati, L.; Kolenberg, K.; Reegen, P.; Weiss, W.
Abundance analysis of seven δ Scuti stars
2008, A&A 485, 257
Gebran, M.; Monier, R.
Chemical composition of A and F dwarfs members of the Pleiades open cluster
2008, A&A 483, 567
Hébrard, G.; Bouchy, F.; Pont, F. and 20 coauthors
Misaligned spin-orbit in the XO-3 planetary system?
2008, A&A 488, 763
Linder, N.; Rauw, G.; Martins, F. and 3 coauthors
High-resolution optical spectroscopy of Plaskett's star
2008, A&A 489, 713-723
Loeillet, B.; Shporer, A.; Bouchy, F.; and 26 coauthors
Refined parameters and spectroscopic transit of the super-massive planet HD 147506b
2008, A&A 481, 529
Mosser, B.; Bouchy, F.; Martic, M. and 9 coauthors
Asteroseismology of Procyon with SOPHIE
2008, A&A 478, 197
Moutou, C.; Bruntt, H.; Guillot, T. and 42 coauthors
Transiting exoplanets from the CoRoT space mission. V. CoRoT-Exo-4b:
stellar and planetary parameters
2008, A&A 488, L47
Pollacco, D.; Skillen, I.; Collier Cameron, A.; and 44 coauthors
WASP-3b: a strongly irradiated transiting gas-giant planet
2008, MNRAS 385, 1576
Santos, N. C.; Melo, C.; James, D. J.; Gameiro, J. F.; Bouvier, J.; Gomes, J. I.
Chemical abundances in six nearby star-forming regions.
Implications for galactic evolution and
planet searches around very young stars
2008, A&A 480, 889
Santos, N.C.; Udry, S.; Bouchy, F.; and 20 coauthors
ELODIE metallicity-biased search for transiting Hot Jupiters. V.
An intermediate-period Jovian planet orbiting HD 45652
2008, A&A 487, 369
Uytterhoeven, K.; Mathias, P.; Poretti, E. and 22 co-authors
The γ Doradus CoRoT target HD 49434. I. Results from the ground-based campaign
2008, A&A 489, 1213
Bakos G. A., Shporer A., Pál A. et al.
HAT-P-5b: A Jupiter-like Hot Jupiter Transiting a Bright Star
2007, ApJ 671, L173-L176
Cameron A.C., Bouchy F., Hébrard G. et al.
WASP-1b and WASP-2b: two new transiting exoplanets detected with SuperWASP and SOPHIE
2007, MNRAS 375, 951-957
Cameron A.C., Wilson D.M., West R.G. et al.
Efficient identification of exoplanetary transit candidates from SuperWASP light curves
2007, MNRAS 380, 1230-1244