# Query Description # Type of request: Extract data from a table # Name of the selected table: sophiecc # Description of the table: Cross-correlation functions # SQL constraint on fields: [sseq =1001880] # Order by: seq # Description of each column # seq: ----------------- Sequence number # $link[objname]: ------ Designation of the object # date: ---------------- Observation date # $link[slen]: --------- Length of the series # mask: ---------------- Name of the mask # ccf_offline: --------- Offline CCF # $field[rv]: ---------- Radial velocity # fwhm: ---------------- FWHM of the correlation peak # span: ---------------- Bissector span # maxcpp: -------------- Maximum number of counts per pixel # contrast: ------------ Contrast of the CCF # lines: --------------- Number of lines used for the CCF # $link['view_head']: -- See the header of the cross-correlation file # $link['get_ccf']: ---- Download the cross-correlation function FITS file # $link['view_ccf']: --- View the cross-correlation function #-------------- ------- --------------- ---- -- --------------- ---------------- -------- ------- --------------- ------ --------------- ----------- --------- ---------- #seq $link[o date $lin ma c $field[rv] fwhm span maxcpp contra l $link['view $link['ge $link['vie # bjname] k[sl sk c st i _head'] t_ccf'] w_ccf'] # en] f n # _ e # o s # f # f # l # i # n # e #------ ------- --------------- ---- -- - ---------------- -------- ------- ------- ------ - ----------- --------- ---------- 1001880 HD217014 2010-08-10 20 G2 0 -33.207 0.0123 7.964 -0.010 149 25.03 4745 view_head get_ccf view_ccf 1001890 HD217014 2010-08-10 20 G2 0 -33.461 0.2870 5.712 1.055 69 2.94 4745 view_head get_ccf view_ccf 1001900 HD217014 2010-08-10 20 G2 0 -33.207 0.0136 7.983 -0.041 140 24.22 4745 view_head get_ccf view_ccf 1001910 HD217014 2010-08-10 20 G2 0 -33.265 0.0334 7.755 -0.291 98 15.13 4745 view_head get_ccf view_ccf 1001920 HD217014 2010-08-10 20 G2 0 -33.182 0.0023 8.005 -0.029 829 39.48 4745 view_head get_ccf view_ccf 1001930 HD217014 2010-08-10 20 G2 0 -33.214 0.0108 7.980 -0.029 164 26.94 4745 view_head get_ccf view_ccf 1001940 HD217014 2010-08-10 20 G2 0 -33.444 0.2193 7.429 -1.105 72 3.94 4745 view_head get_ccf view_ccf 1001950 HD217014 2010-08-10 20 G2 0 -33.439 0.2521 8.555 -1.725 74 3.73 4745 view_head get_ccf view_ccf 1001960 HD217014 2010-08-10 20 G2 0 -33.196 0.0034 7.985 -0.021 486 37.54 4745 view_head get_ccf view_ccf 1001970 HD217014 2010-08-10 20 G2 0 -33.200 0.0046 7.984 -0.033 335 35.41 4745 view_head get_ccf view_ccf 1001980 HD217014 2010-08-10 20 G2 0 -33.283 0.0145 8.051 0.050 139 23.76 4745 view_head get_ccf view_ccf 1001990 HD217014 2010-08-10 20 G2 0 -33.186 0.0009 8.016 -0.015 4451 42.48 4745 view_head get_ccf view_ccf 1002000 HD217014 2010-08-10 20 G2 0 -33.186 0.0010 8.002 -0.017 3470 42.38 4745 view_head get_ccf view_ccf 1002010 HD217014 2010-08-10 20 G2 0 -33.188 0.0010 8.009 -0.018 3851 42.46 4745 view_head get_ccf view_ccf 1002020 HD217014 2010-08-10 20 G2 0 -33.187 0.0009 8.022 -0.014 4585 42.56 4745 view_head get_ccf view_ccf 1002030 HD217014 2010-08-10 20 G2 0 -33.184 0.0008 8.026 -0.019 4782 42.51 4745 view_head get_ccf view_ccf 1002040 HD217014 2010-08-10 20 G2 0 -33.184 0.0012 7.999 -0.013 2564 41.94 4745 view_head get_ccf view_ccf 1002050 HD217014 2010-08-10 20 G2 0 -33.222 0.0041 8.032 -0.024 390 36.23 4745 view_head get_ccf view_ccf 1002060 HD217014 2010-08-10 20 G2 0 -33.185 0.0012 8.006 -0.013 2691 42.00 4745 view_head get_ccf view_ccf 1002070 HD217014 2010-08-10 20 G2 0 -33.185 0.0010 8.009 -0.018 3648 42.36 4745 view_head get_ccf view_ccf #-- end of data table ---------------------------------------------------------- # 20 lines were successfully retrieved