# Query Description # Type of request: Extract data from a table # Name of the selected table: sophiecc # Description of the table: Cross-correlation functions # Object: BD 012063 # Order by: ra,seq # Description of each column # seq: ----------------- Sequence number # $link[objname]: ------ Designation of the object # date: ---------------- Observation date # $link[slen]: --------- Length of the series # mask: ---------------- Name of the mask # ccf_offline: --------- Offline CCF # $field[rv]: ---------- Radial velocity # fwhm: ---------------- FWHM of the correlation peak # span: ---------------- Bissector span # maxcpp: -------------- Maximum number of counts per pixel # contrast: ------------ Contrast of the CCF # lines: --------------- Number of lines used for the CCF # $link['view_head']: -- See the header of the cross-correlation file # $link['get_ccf']: ---- Download the cross-correlation function FITS file # $link['view_ccf']: --- View the cross-correlation function #-------------- ------- --------------- ---- -- --------------- ---------------- -------- ------- --------------- ------ --------------- ----------- --------- ---------- #seq $link[o date $lin ma c $field[rv] fwhm span maxcpp contra l $link['view $link['ge $link['vie # bjname] k[sl sk c st i _head'] t_ccf'] w_ccf'] # en] f n # _ e # o s # f # f # l # i # n # e #------ ------- --------------- ---- -- - ---------------- -------- ------- ------- ------ - ----------- --------- ---------- 1266650 BD+012063 2011-11-22 1 G2 0 27.628 0.0018 10.855 -0.026 2545 31.68 4762 view_head get_ccf view_ccf 1587590 BD+012063 2013-03-31 2 G2 0 27.588 0.0025 9.063 -0.005 1070 33.97 4682 view_head get_ccf view_ccf 1587600 BD+012063 2013-03-31 2 G2 0 27.586 0.0022 9.039 -0.010 1330 34.21 4682 view_head get_ccf view_ccf 1589240 BD+012063 2013-04-03 1 G2 0 27.599 0.0014 8.956 -0.034 2627 36.37 4680 view_head get_ccf view_ccf 1589270 BD+012063 2013-04-03 1 G2 0 27.596 0.0017 8.977 -0.013 1855 36.11 4680 view_head get_ccf view_ccf 1590470 BD+012063 2013-04-05 2 G2 0 27.625 0.0015 9.004 -0.007 2253 36.02 4680 view_head get_ccf view_ccf 1590480 BD+012063 2013-04-05 2 G2 0 27.624 0.0018 9.013 -0.021 1675 35.59 4680 view_head get_ccf view_ccf 1612501 BD+012063 2014-03-23 1 G2 0 27.664 0.0027 9.031 -0.025 759 36.63 4688 view_head get_ccf view_ccf 1744320 BD+012063 2014-03-11 1 G2 1 27.660 9.856 708 34.15 4414 view_head get_ccf view_ccf 1744320 BD+012063 2014-03-11 1 G2 0 27.645 0.0029 9.032 -0.008 663 35.61 4691 view_head get_ccf view_ccf 1756620 BD+012063 2015-01-11 1 G2 0 27.658 0.0026 9.013 0.001 774 36.87 4730 view_head get_ccf view_ccf 1797330 BD+012063 2015-03-25 1 G2 0 27.639 0.0054 9.173 -0.013 246 34.23 4686 view_head get_ccf view_ccf 1622071 BD+012063 2014-04-19 1 G2 0 27.697 0.0020 8.992 -0.020 1494 33.81 4680 view_head get_ccf view_ccf 1691240 BD+012063 2013-11-11 1 G2 0 27.524 0.0015 8.967 -0.014 2298 36.25 4761 view_head get_ccf view_ccf 1770520 BD+012063 2015-02-07 2 G2 0 27.665 0.0017 9.110 -0.008 1856 35.17 4714 view_head get_ccf view_ccf 1770530 BD+012063 2015-02-07 2 G2 0 27.673 0.0017 9.069 -0.006 1948 34.90 4714 view_head get_ccf view_ccf 1771450 BD+012063 2015-02-08 2 G2 0 27.676 0.0021 9.058 0.006 1379 33.96 4712 view_head get_ccf view_ccf 1771460 BD+012063 2015-02-08 2 G2 0 27.681 0.0021 9.133 -0.024 1379 32.65 4712 view_head get_ccf view_ccf 1790510 BD+012063 2015-03-17 1 G2 0 27.675 0.0016 9.220 0.006 1867 34.75 4690 view_head get_ccf view_ccf 1792270 BD+012063 2015-03-19 2 G2 0 27.671 0.0018 9.196 -0.047 1593 34.44 4690 view_head get_ccf view_ccf 1792280 BD+012063 2015-03-19 2 G2 0 27.674 0.0016 9.195 -0.013 1891 34.36 4690 view_head get_ccf view_ccf 1889221 BD+012063 2015-11-21 1 G2 0 27.674 0.0026 9.065 0.004 735 36.92 4760 view_head get_ccf view_ccf 1889221 BD+012063 2015-11-21 1 G2 0 27.674 0.0026 9.065 0.004 735 36.92 4760 view_head get_ccf view_ccf 1916370 BD+012063 2016-01-20 1 G2 0 27.634 0.0026 9.247 -0.008 663 36.09 4725 view_head get_ccf view_ccf 1916370 BD+012063 2016-01-20 1 G2 0 27.634 0.0026 9.247 -0.008 663 36.09 4725 view_head get_ccf view_ccf 1943150 BD+012063 2016-03-21 1 G2 0 27.674 0.0026 9.356 -0.001 654 35.15 4687 view_head get_ccf view_ccf 1944140 BD+012063 2016-03-23 1 G2 0 27.666 0.0030 9.161 0.012 572 35.67 4687 view_head get_ccf view_ccf 1954860 BD+012063 2016-04-13 2 G2 0 27.708 0.0027 9.118 -0.030 840 33.74 4679 view_head get_ccf view_ccf 1954870 BD+012063 2016-04-13 2 G2 0 27.696 0.0026 9.137 -0.034 893 33.96 4679 view_head get_ccf view_ccf 1963000 BD+012063 2016-04-28 1 G2 0 27.632 0.0026 9.206 0.015 673 35.88 4678 view_head get_ccf view_ccf 1965290 BD+012063 2016-05-03 1 G2 0 27.695 0.0027 9.116 -0.018 728 36.68 4678 view_head get_ccf view_ccf 2041700 BD+012063 2016-10-07 1 G2 0 27.652 0.0026 9.189 0.015 703 36.75 4759 view_head get_ccf view_ccf 2045980 BD+012063 2016-10-19 1 G2 0 27.638 0.0053 9.023 -0.065 268 35.17 4761 view_head get_ccf view_ccf 2049610 BD+012063 2016-11-06 1 G2 0 27.646 0.0027 8.949 0.020 768 37.13 4761 view_head get_ccf view_ccf 2054510 BD+012063 2016-11-16 1 G2 0 27.657 0.0026 9.016 0.003 764 36.85 4760 view_head get_ccf view_ccf 2071430 BD+012063 2016-12-10 1 G2 0 27.648 0.0031 9.061 -0.006 602 36.74 4750 view_head get_ccf view_ccf 2074550 BD+012063 2016-12-16 1 G2 0 27.664 0.0043 8.986 -0.003 350 36.46 4742 view_head get_ccf view_ccf 2087390 BD+012063 2017-01-12 1 G2 0 27.690 0.0028 8.982 -0.020 757 35.71 4729 view_head get_ccf view_ccf 2141420 BD+012063 2017-04-07 1 G2 0 27.636 0.0027 9.072 -0.002 780 36.88 4680 view_head get_ccf view_ccf 2145390 BD+012063 2017-04-11 1 G2 0 27.600 0.0026 9.410 0.017 614 34.46 4680 view_head get_ccf view_ccf 2147600 BD+012063 2017-04-14 1 G2 0 27.710 0.0026 9.051 -0.051 814 37.04 4680 view_head get_ccf view_ccf 2215470 BD+012063 2017-05-12 1 G2 0 27.617 0.0026 9.515 -0.035 604 34.15 4680 view_head get_ccf view_ccf 2216640 BD+012063 2017-05-14 1 G2 0 27.662 0.0027 9.328 -0.030 648 34.88 4680 view_head get_ccf view_ccf 2348610 BD+012063 2017-10-17 1 G2 0 27.643 0.0024 8.992 0.014 834 37.17 4761 view_head get_ccf view_ccf 2379370 BD+012063 2017-11-17 1 G2 0 27.658 0.0026 9.116 -0.005 766 36.49 4760 view_head get_ccf view_ccf 2400740 BD+012063 2017-12-17 1 G2 0 27.681 0.0026 8.991 -0.014 770 36.89 4742 view_head get_ccf view_ccf 2442170 BD+012063 2018-01-27 1 G2 0 27.665 0.0026 9.132 -0.009 734 36.16 4718 view_head get_ccf view_ccf 2448200 BD+012063 2018-02-04 1 G2 0 27.667 0.0028 9.122 -0.022 650 36.40 4715 view_head get_ccf view_ccf 2625320 BD+012063 2018-10-22 1 G2 1 27.629 9.600 496 35.74 4489 view_head get_ccf view_ccf 2625320 BD+012063 2018-10-22 1 G2 0 27.633 0.0033 9.045 -0.019 464 36.44 4762 view_head get_ccf view_ccf 2954170 BD+012063 2020-10-18 1 G2 0 27.600 0.1000 9.180 -0.022 697 36.02 4761 view_head get_ccf view_ccf #-- end of data table ---------------------------------------------------------- # 51 lines were successfully retrieved