# Query Description # Type of request: Extract data from a table # Name of the selected table: sophiecc # Description of the table: Cross-correlation functions # Object: HD148816 # Order by: ra,seq # Description of each column # seq: ----------------- Sequence number # $link[objname]: ------ Designation of the object # date: ---------------- Observation date # $link[slen]: --------- Length of the series # mask: ---------------- Name of the mask # ccf_offline: --------- Offline CCF # $field[rv]: ---------- Radial velocity # fwhm: ---------------- FWHM of the correlation peak # span: ---------------- Bissector span # maxcpp: -------------- Maximum number of counts per pixel # contrast: ------------ Contrast of the CCF # lines: --------------- Number of lines used for the CCF # $link['view_head']: -- See the header of the cross-correlation file # $link['get_ccf']: ---- Download the cross-correlation function FITS file # $link['view_ccf']: --- View the cross-correlation function #-------------- ------- --------------- ---- -- --------------- ---------------- -------- ------- --------------- ------ --------------- ----------- --------- ---------- #seq $link[o date $lin ma c $field[rv] fwhm span maxcpp contra l $link['view $link['ge $link['vie # bjname] k[sl sk c st i _head'] t_ccf'] w_ccf'] # en] f n # _ e # o s # f # f # l # i # n # e #------ ------- --------------- ---- -- - ---------------- -------- ------- ------- ------ - ----------- --------- ---------- 1143850 HD148816 2011-04-17 1 G2 0 -47.698 0.0037 7.345 -0.002 848 24.84 4743 view_head get_ccf view_ccf 1143850 HD148816 2011-04-17 1 G2 1 -47.708 7.328 917 24.04 4254 view_head get_ccf view_ccf 1144580 HD148816 2011-04-18 1 G2 0 -47.672 0.0026 7.354 0.023 1678 25.04 4743 view_head get_ccf view_ccf 2717530 HD148816 2019-04-29 1 G2 0 -47.624 0.0036 7.321 0.005 929 25.12 4739 view_head get_ccf view_ccf 3035260 HD148816 2021-05-27 1 G2 0 -47.700 0.1000 7.322 0.007 1695 25.35 4715 view_head get_ccf view_ccf 3041920 HD148816 2021-06-09 1 G2 0 -47.700 0.1000 7.336 0.041 909 25.34 4706 view_head get_ccf view_ccf 3042470 HD148816 2021-06-10 1 G2 0 -47.700 0.1000 7.344 -0.000 869 25.20 4705 view_head get_ccf view_ccf 3047060 HD148816 2021-06-17 1 G2 0 -47.700 0.1000 7.336 0.006 869 25.34 4698 view_head get_ccf view_ccf 3047550 HD148816 2021-06-18 1 G2 0 -47.700 0.1000 7.329 0.033 889 25.08 4698 view_head get_ccf view_ccf 3080330 HD148816 2021-08-20 1 G2 0 -47.700 0.1000 7.308 0.043 1442 25.21 4672 view_head get_ccf view_ccf 3175910 HD148816 2022-02-14 1 G2 0 -47.700 0.1000 7.321 0.015 1114 24.79 4758 view_head get_ccf view_ccf 3254500 HD148816 2022-07-25 1 G2 0 -47.700 0.1000 7.323 0.001 838 25.05 4676 view_head get_ccf view_ccf 3341090 HD148816 2023-01-31 1 G2 0 -47.700 0.1000 7.223 0.361 64 14.37 4756 view_head get_ccf view_ccf 3342520 HD148816 2023-02-02 1 G2 0 -47.700 0.1000 7.357 0.008 781 24.27 4756 view_head get_ccf view_ccf 3374000 HD148816 2023-04-07 1 G2 0 -47.700 0.1000 7.301 -0.004 1338 25.09 4749 view_head get_ccf view_ccf 3383980 HD148816 2023-05-10 1 G2 0 -47.700 0.1000 7.323 -0.007 607 24.82 4729 view_head get_ccf view_ccf 3388440 HD148816 2023-05-23 1 G2 0 -47.700 0.1000 7.336 0.010 565 24.84 4718 view_head get_ccf view_ccf 3397250 HD148816 2023-06-14 1 G2 0 -47.700 0.1000 7.320 0.023 835 24.96 4702 view_head get_ccf view_ccf 3412610 HD148816 2023-07-11 1 G2 0 -47.700 0.1000 7.335 -0.013 876 25.12 4683 view_head get_ccf view_ccf 3444830 HD148816 2023-09-09 1 G2 0 -47.700 0.1000 7.324 0.008 827 24.58 4672 view_head get_ccf view_ccf #-- end of data table ---------------------------------------------------------- # 20 lines were successfully retrieved