Observatoire de Haute Provence (OHP)

The SOPHIE archive


List of FITS keywords

SIMPLE                      T file does conform to FITS standard
BITPIX                    -32 No.Bits per pixel
NAXIS                       2 number of data axes
NAXIS1                     90 length of data axis 1
NAXIS2                     40 length of data axis 2
EXTEND                      T FITS dataset may contain extensions
COMMENT   FITS (Flexible Image Transport System) format is defined in 'Astronomy 
COMMENT   and Astrophysics', volume 376, page 359; bibcode: 2001A&A...376..359H 
COMMENT   FITS (Flexible Image Transport System) format is defined in 'Astronomy 
COMMENT   and Astrophysics', volume 376, page 359; bibcode: 2001A&A...376..359H 
OHP DRS CCF MASK           'G2      ' Mask filename
OHP DRS CCF RV 23.4816697783641 Baryc Rad vel (km/s)
CRVAL1                  -222. Coordinate at reference pixel
CDELT1                     5. Coordinate increment (prefer CD)
OHP DRS CCF FWHM 8.03525143395386 FWHM of CCF (km/s)
OHP DRS CCF MAXCPP                  254 max count/pixel of CCF (e-)
CTYPE1             'VOPT    ' Cross-correlation
OHP DRS CCF CONTRAST 34.8985095276313 Contrast of  CCF (%)
OHP DRS CCF LINES                 4458 nbr of lines used
OHP DRS BERV     16.1819707899679 Barycentric Earth Radial Velocity
OHP DRS BJD     2455963.72153403 Barycentric Julian Day
OHP DRS BERVMX 17.0964160492789 Maximum BERV
OHP DRS DRIFT REF FILE 'NONE    ' Th Drift ref file used
OHP DRS DRIFT RV                    0 Th RV Drift [m/s]
OHP DRS DRIFT NBCOS                    0 Th Drift Nbr cosmic detected
OHP DRS DRIFT RFLUX                    0 Th Drift Flux ratio
OHP DRS DRIFT NBORDKILL                    0 Th Drift Nb orders killed
OHP DRS DRIFT NOISE                    0 Th Drift photon noise [m/s]
OHP TARG NAME 'HD144872            '    target name
OHP TARG ALPHA             160629.5    target alpha
OHP TARG DELTA            +383755.9    target delta
OHP TARG EQUINOX               2000.0    target equinox
OHP OBS DATE START '2012-02-06T05:17:08.797'   Pose start date
OHP TARG PMA              0.23243    target PMA
OHP TARG PMD             -0.53606    target PMD
OHP CCD DKTM              216.000 dark current time
OHP DPR TYPE       'STAR,SKY,K3V' Observation type
OHP DRS DVRMS      3.4729511998332 Estimated RV uncertainty [m/s]
CRPIX1                     1. Reference pixel
CD1_1                      5. Coordinate increment per pixel
CUNIT1             'km/s    ' Unit of coordinate
CREATOR      'Pleinpot     2' Written by Pleinpot (Hypercat)
OBJNAME            'HD144872' Source indentification (archive curation)
EXTNAME            'CCF_G2_A' Name of the data extension
SEQNUM                1311790 Database sequence number
DATE     '2024-06-26T02:57:43' Date (UT) written: CCDD-MM-DDThh:mm:ss
DIVUL                       0 Access permission code
H_STATUS                    0 No error on pipeline
