Observatoire de Haute Provence (OHP)

The SOPHIE archive


List of FITS keywords

SIMPLE                      T file does conform to FITS standard
BITPIX                    -32 No.Bits per pixel
NAXIS                       2 number of data axes
NAXIS1                     81 length of data axis 1
NAXIS2                     40 length of data axis 2
EXTEND                      T FITS dataset may contain extensions
COMMENT   FITS (Flexible Image Transport System) format is defined in 'Astronomy 
COMMENT   and Astrophysics', volume 376, page 359; bibcode: 2001A&A...376..359H 
COMMENT   FITS (Flexible Image Transport System) format is defined in 'Astronomy 
COMMENT   and Astrophysics', volume 376, page 359; bibcode: 2001A&A...376..359H 
OHP DRS CCF MASK           'G2      ' Mask filename
OHP DRS CCF RV -37.4230663769824 Baryc Rad vel (km/s)
CRVAL1                   -57. Coordinate at reference pixel
CDELT1                    0.5 Coordinate increment (prefer CD)
OHP DRS CCF FWHM 7.36658841332837 FWHM of CCF (km/s)
OHP DRS CCF MAXCPP                  722 max count/pixel of CCF (e-)
CTYPE1             'VOPT    ' Cross-correlation
OHP DRS CCF CONTRAST 46.7090864514189 Contrast of  CCF (%)
OHP DRS CCF LINES                 4736 nbr of lines used
OHP DRS BERV -7.36870412101173 Barycentric Earth Radial Velocity
OHP DRS BJD     2454949.51224593 Barycentric Julian Day
OHP DRS BERVMX 19.9805621837978 Maximum BERV
OHP DRS DRIFT REF FILE 'NONE    ' Th Drift ref file used
OHP DRS DRIFT RV                    0 Th RV Drift [m/s]
OHP DRS DRIFT NBCOS                    0 Th Drift Nbr cosmic detected
OHP DRS DRIFT RFLUX                    0 Th Drift Flux ratio
OHP DRS DRIFT NBORDKILL                    0 Th Drift Nb orders killed
OHP DRS DRIFT NOISE                    0 Th Drift photon noise [m/s]
OHP TARG NAME 'HD126511            '    target name
OHP TARG ALPHA             142449.0    target alpha
OHP TARG DELTA            +411630.4    target delta
OHP TARG EQUINOX               2000.0    target equinox
OHP OBS DATE START '2009-04-28T00:08:56.192'   Pose start date
OHP TARG PMA             -0.15589    target PMA
OHP TARG PMD              -0.2096    target PMD
OHP CCD DKTM              472.180 dark current time
OHP DPR TYPE        'STAR,SKY,G5' Observation type
OHP DRS DVRMS 2.10773924612556 Estimated RV uncertainty [m/s]
CRPIX1                     1. Reference pixel
CD1_1                     0.5 Coordinate increment per pixel
CUNIT1             'km/s    ' Unit of coordinate
CREATOR      'Pleinpot     2' Written by Pleinpot (Hypercat)
OBJNAME            'HD126511' Source indentification (archive curation)
EXTNAME            'CCF_G2_A' Name of the data extension
SEQNUM                 774850 Database sequence number
DATE     '2024-06-25T05:21:41' Date (UT) written: CCDD-MM-DDThh:mm:ss
DIVUL                       0 Access permission code
H_STATUS                    0 No error on pipeline
