Spectra: FITS Pipeline processing[Elodie Archive]

General description

File identification: elodie:19970630/0015
Science observation of: HD182989 (Echelle order spectrum, exposure time=360.420013 sec)
Archived data have been corrected for the residual effects of incomplete initial removal of the blaze function

Pipeline processing

Explanations:Tick the boxes to perform the telluric masking and order stitching
Set the parameters of the functions written in red, and click the corresponding button to program their execution. The programmed pipeline is seen in the "pipeline command" box.
Click "submit" to execute the pipeline.
Get more details here.

Data pre-processing

mask telluric absorption lines

Data calibration

Merge the orders and resample to wavelength

Data processing

: Wstart [Angstroms]: Wend : Wstep :
:scaled between Wstart [Angstroms]: and Wend :

: Shift in velocity and broaden: cz[km/s] sigma[km/s]

Data evaluation

Low-cut= High-cut=
Output option:
Pipeline command:

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Contact: Database team Date of execution: