Observatoire de Haute Provence (OHP)

The SOPHIE archive

An on-line database of high-resolution
échelle spectra and radial velocities
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  Enter a designation or coordinates
HIP021088, Vega, HD190007,HD400, GJ%
a. For identifiers
you can choose to query :

b. For coordinate and around object queries, define a radius : [arcmin]
c. Choose the table:
  Query a sample of objects in a region of the sky

a. Define a region of the sky (B1950 or J2000):
Right ascension from to
examples: 14 00 00 to 18 00 00 (B1950)
 J14 00 00 to J18 00 00 (J2000)
Declination from to
example: -02 00 00 to 02 00 00
b. Choose the table:
  Advanced search
a. Choose the table:
b. Set multiple constraints: Select observations in a range of S/N, exposure time, date of observation, spectra type...
b. List of objects: Upload a list of objects and find the corresponding observations.
The file must contain one designation per line (example)

Cross-link: ELODIE Archive

The SOPHIE archive © OHP/INSU-CNRS/ OSU Pytheas
Contact: Database team; Last revised:01/26/2025 17:39:56